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  1. #1
    EasyPoster is offline New Member
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    New Jack Diesel Cycle

    A few questions...

    My next cycle is as follows...

    For ten weeks:
    TEST-400mg (two shots weekly, 1 CC each)
    EQUIPOISE -300mg (two shots weekly, 1 CC each)

    During the seventh week: 25 MG Nolvadex ed.


    HCG 5000IU every three days, for two weeks. (5 shots)

    I wanted to know if I should make any adjustments in the cycle before I get everything together.

    I also got a question about HCG. I got these vials from a pharmacy but everything is in Japanese and it only says HCG in english. The kit has ten vials in it with powder at the bottom. My boy told me to mix 1 cc of bacterial water with each vial and stir it around. He said to inject two vials the first day and the other four vials every other day. This didn't sound right to me, does anyone have any pointers?


  2. #2
    EasyPoster is offline New Member
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    Any one?

    I could really use some critique.

  3. #3
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    5000IU every 3 days!!! thats allot dude. Way to much your EQ nees to be atleast 400mgs 400-600wks and EQ needs to be ran for 12wks to see good results and Test needs to be ran atleast 1 week after EQ what test are you running? Also what are your stats

  4. #4
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    Order the three amps. Then you mix each amp as you need it, this is how you do it. Throw away the solvent, you dont need it, the water you need to reconstitute HCG is bacteriostatic water. You can get it from ar-r

    Calculating HCG:

    There isn't a specific ratio of cc/ml to IU. It ***ends on how you mix it. It's quite simple. If you dillute 5,000 IUs HCG with 5ml (cc) solvent, the end result is 1,000 IUs per ml (cc). Divide the same 5,000 IUs with 10 ml (cc) and the end result is 500 IUs per ml (cc). Therefore, a large part ***ends on the concentration of HCG per ampoule or vial.

    Mixing HCG:
    (Items needed: bacwater h20 and some 5ml emty vials-get****).

    1) Open hcg/amp with powder
    2) Use a syringe to pull out 1cc of BacWater and put in amp with HCG
    3) It will instantly dissolve
    4) Then Use an empty 5ml vial (sterile and sealed) put 4ml of Bacwater in the vial
    5) Take syringe and ad the mixed HCG solution to the 5ml vial
    6) Shake it and you have 5000IU's of HCG
    7) Than draw 1cc and inject
    8) put the rest in the refrigerator

    •The reason your discarding the amp of solvent cause its made for 1 times use and you wouldn’t be able to refrigerate it and use it a week later again. That’s why you need Bac H2o.
    •The most common side affect associated with HCG is gynecomastia . The concurrent intake of Nolvadex with HCG prevents gynecomastia, prevents/minimizes leydig cell desensitization and contiues the stimulation of pituitary LH once HCG has been discontinued.
    •HCG will last approximately 30 days if mixed with Bac h2o instead of the solvent it comes with.
    •You can keep the mixed hcg in vial or pins In the fridge till use

  5. #5
    EasyPoster is offline New Member
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    Damn, thanks.

    How often should I do the shots of HCG if it's only 1000 iu, or less potent.

    I'm 19, 5"11, 195 lbs., 12% BF. Working out for two years. The T400 is a testosterone blend, more than one ester.

  6. #6
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    .... 19 but who am I to say I did my first cycle at 18. 5000 IU is ever 3 days is crazy you sure its not 500?

  7. #7
    EasyPoster is offline New Member
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    Kate Beckinsale is whats really good.

    I'm not gonna lie. The shit is in Japanese, I know it's legit because it says HCG in english and it obviously from a Japanese Pharmacy. There's ten vials with powder in them on the bottom. Like I said, my friend told me to mix each vial with 1 cc of bac water. He also told me to shoot two vials on day one and one vial every other day for 8 days. This doesnt sound right...

  8. #8
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    you want to do 250-500 IUS every 3rd day.

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