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  1. #1
    demonds is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005

    Opinions on this bulking cycle

    Hi everybody, I would like to read your opinions on this bulking cycle. I have notice that with time I stopped getting the same effects I used to get before from test. I used to inject only 75mg of test Prop and NPP before with good results, but now my doses are a little higer (125 ad) maybe because im bigger or the body is used to it, I dont know,, so I decided to used my old doses but this time adding a little bit of the same counpound on its base form.I guess Im just trying to hit the body with something new, also I'll be using it before an hour of my workout time to get that extra kick from the suspension. So let me know what you all thinl. Also, the coumpunds will be home brew in the same bottle, meaning 1cc will be 125mg, 75mg of one and 50mg of the other equaling 125mg of each, so Ill be injecting 2cc's total.

    WEEK 1-4 50mg D-Bol ed
    WEEK 1-9 75mg Test Prop
    WEEK 1-9 50mg Test Susp
    WEEK 1-9 75mg NPP
    WEEK 1-9 50mg Nandro Susp
    WEEK 1-9 1mg Letro
    Last edited by demonds; 05-13-2007 at 07:30 PM.

  2. #2
    trenzbyotch's Avatar
    trenzbyotch is offline Associate Member
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    the STL
    i dont see anything wrong with it, whats your pct looking like?

  3. #3
    jdm95lude's Avatar
    jdm95lude is offline Associate Member
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    Why test P and tes Susp? Curious...

  4. #4
    demonds is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Test p is Test prop and Test susp is Test suspension. Pct is gonna be that one that Anthony Roberts posted a while ago with the HCG , Nolva, Aromasin . Ihad run it before with good results and fast recovery. I may add a couple of iu of slin and IGF but dont know yet, it ***ends on how much recovery I may need and how much actual muscle I may start loosing.

  5. #5
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Why are you using test sus and test prop? Why not just one or the other? Are you also taking NPP and Nandro sus? I never heard of nandro sus,is that deca in a suspension? Very interesting. If thats the case, you are also being redundant with the nandrolone .

  6. #6
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by demonds
    I may add a couple of iu of slin and IGF but dont know yet, .
    hope your saving your pennies...

  7. #7
    demonds is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Why are you using test sus and test prop? Why not just one or the other? Are you also taking NPP and Nandro sus? I never heard of nandro sus,is that deca in a suspension? Very interesting. If thats the case, you are also being redundant with the nandrolone.

    I stated above the reasons of why im using the same substance on a diferent form. Thats why I started the thread, i wanted to know if there was an advantage of hitting your body with the same sbstance on a different form, kind of like doing dumbbell curls and barbellcurls, same muscle different outcome. but I'm just asking is there is any true behind that theory. Also, many powder sources have every compound on there suspension form, is just a matter of removing the ester not that difficult for and UG lab.

  8. #8
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What I would do is just take out the D-bol because if your wanting to use it as a kickstart its sort of pointless since short esters like NPP and Test Prop will kickin with in 1-2 weeks anyway and just do 100-150mg ED of Test Prop and 100mg ED of NPP with Letro at 0.25mg ED or EOD. No point in adding in all this stuff and making it confusing.

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