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Thread: First cycle starting- run the deca with the test or not??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    First cycle starting- run the deca with the test or not??

    About to run 1st cycle, I have the test e on hand and can have the deca asap if I decide but need some advice on whether or not to run it.

    I kinda like the idea of running the test by itself for the first cycle to see how I react to it and then if I add deca in the next cycle I will have a better understanding of what each compound does for me.

    On the other hand, I do want to get as much out of my first cycle as possible (within reason) and deca appears to be a fairly safe steroid - based on my research and everyone in my gym who loves it.

    25 yrs old
    222 lbs.
    Working out for a solid 4 years
    Guessing BF% is in the 22-23% range as I still have some of the winter weight on.

    Weeks 1-10
    -Test Enan 450mgs / Deca 300mgs???
    Weeks 11-12
    -Test Enan 450mgs
    Weeks 1-17
    -Nolvadex 20mgs/day
    Weeks 15-17
    -Clomid Therapy

    I am prone to Gyno based on experience using pro-hormones in past. Thus, I am hoping the Nolvadex will guard against it this time. Thanks for the advice!

  2. #2
    great cycle regardless, but if it ruly your first i would just use the test for your first cycle and then kick in the deca for the second one with test will still get great gains and maximize your gear...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I agree see how u do on test, deca can really cause some problems for some guys so i would see how u do on test, u could however add a light compound like tbol to kickstart tho..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I like the kick starting idea. What do you think about adding anavar to the first 4 weeks as I can get some very good anavar at a decent price and it appears to be relatively mild?

    Or possibly finish the cycle by running tha anavar during the last 4 weeks of the test?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    For myself, I ran a test only cycle for 12 weeks with dbol for first 4 weeks. Got big but also got alot of side effects (acne, hair...). My second cycle consisted of deca and test without anabol. Very good results. I ran 400 deca and 200 test per week just to see what would happen. For me I had very little side effects. Some acne, no hair falling out, and no deca dick. But as you know, everyone responds differently to steroids and doses.

  6. #6
    First cycle run Test e at 500mg per week (2 injections) total 12 weeks. PCT starts 2 weeks after last shot. Take a look at Anthony's pct in the pct area. I am not a fan of clomid, I turn into a bitch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Should I definitely split the injections each week with the longer half life of test enan or would I be ok shooting once per week?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    forests of Pacific NW
    Quote Originally Posted by jrwo
    Should I definitely split the injections each week with the longer half life of test enan or would I be ok shooting once per week?
    I would split the injections, if only for the purpose of avoiding a large quantity of oil at a single injection site. At your dosage, if you inject only once a wk, you'd probably need to inject about 2.5 grams of the oil at a single site.
    Split it into 2.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I would probably be using 450mg of the test which would equal on 1 1/2 cc as I have 300ml test e. That is why I was considering the 1 shot per week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Did anyone notice that the guy is +20% BF!!!! Whats wrong with you all?

    Dude, not to flame, but get your BF down to at least 15% and Id wait until 12% to cycle. You'll run the risk of a lot of heath issues if you run that cycle now.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I appreciate looking out. However, I have been cutting down and am not starting the cycle for another week or two. I have dropped a decent amount of weight in the last few weeks and do not know exactly where my BF% is (never got it tested). I do know that i do not want to lose much more weight as I went too far with that last summer and really started to look deflated. My body reacts extremely well to food and I can just play with my carb intake to lose decent body fat relatively quick which is what I have been doing. I started eating extremely clean and more quantities and the scale is holding pretty steady but the fat% has decreased significantly. Thanks again for the help

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