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Thread: gowth question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    gowth question

    hello everyone. I am here in lima peru and i have a quick quetion. Tomorrow i am going to buy some growth. my quesiton is the following. i have this}

    2 vials of ** equipose
    2 vials of test cyp
    50 tabs of diabol 50mg
    50 of winni 50 winni

    how much vials of growth do i need thanks for a good cycle

  2. #2
    no offense bro but why not just do the cycle with what you have?
    it looks like you have they gear for a nice cycle already.
    growth is a very serious drug that can fuck you up big time if you dont know what you are doing,and with a question like that you dont!
    sorry for being a dick but i like you,you sound like a smart person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    depends on what type of GH you buy and how many iu's per vial!

    I would start off at 2iu's and work up to 4iu's per day 5on/2off for 4-5 months!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    well thank you everyone for your advise. 4plates i will keep that in mind. i guess i will wait untill i have more experience and age. also here in peru it is called HHT Hormona de cresimiento(growth hormone). on vial of 4ui is around 60 dollars. i don{ know if that{s cheap but thats the highest price. i was going to go find out for lower prices today. but i will hold on using it. because i heard it best with insulin, and insulin makes me nervous... ok everyone take care. but anyway about 10 vials is what people use? like you said 2-4ui´s a week? so 12 vials? just wondering. thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    No you have to do 4 a day not a week bro.

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