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Thread: Test E Deca cycle

  1. #1

    Test E Deca cycle

    I am planning on doing the following:

    Test E 500mg/wk 1-10
    Deca 450mg/wk 1-10

    nolva 20mg/day whenever needed
    clomid 50/day 12-15

    does this sound good...what else should i have on hand? arimidex?

    I am 5'9, 225 lbs btw and this is my first cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    I would up your test by another 100mg and extend it to week 12 (2 wks past deca)

    I hope your clomid was a meant wks 12-15 right? in any case make it wks 14-17 if you run test to wk 12

    HCG for weeks 12-14 is a very good idea (500iu/day) to get your boys back in shape before clomid therapy... test E with Deca most likely will shut you down quite hard

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    I would up your test by another 100mg and extend it to week 12 (2 wks past deca)

    I hope your clomid was a meant wks 12-15 right? in any case make it wks 14-17 if you run test to wk 12

    HCG for weeks 12-14 is a very good idea (500iu/day) to get your boys back in shape before clomid therapy... test E with Deca most likely will shut you down quite hard
    I agree....

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