it takes letro 2 months to get steady blood levels. so if i wanted to take .25mg of letro during my cycles, could i frontload with 1 gram ed for 2 weeks prior? does this make any since?
it takes letro 2 months to get steady blood levels. so if i wanted to take .25mg of letro during my cycles, could i frontload with 1 gram ed for 2 weeks prior? does this make any since?
too much letro can cause problems, dont run it at 1mg ed unless you have signs of gyno and you had to.
Last edited by x_moe; 05-15-2007 at 10:29 AM.
i know that it can lower libido but its only for 2wks at 1gram. people run it at 2.5g ed for gyno so i wouldnt see the problem with running 1gram for 2weeks. i just wanted to know if its even worth frontloading.
no frontloading letro wont help speed steady blood levels. and i dont even think it takes 2 months anyway, where did you read this ?! but i might be wrong.
the profile says it takes 2mons for steady blood levels because of its 2-4 day half life.
I think you mean 1mg per day. I have no Idea what would happen if you consumed 1g in a day, but that would be more than an entire bottle of Lion's Letro per day!
no need to frontload, just start it at .25mg 1 week b4 cycle
Steady blood plasma levels do not translate to maximum inhibition of aromatase. Just because your blood plasma levels of letro may take 2 months to get stable doesn't mean you weren't inhibiting aromatase maximally prior to that.
yeah i ment 1mg. and thanx^^^^
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