I know this really sucks.......I am going to the virgin islands for a week and dont think I can take my EQ and Tren with me. Any ideas on how to keep things going or how to transport just enough gear with me.
I know this really sucks.......I am going to the virgin islands for a week and dont think I can take my EQ and Tren with me. Any ideas on how to keep things going or how to transport just enough gear with me.
Just double your shots before you go and enjoy your vacation, it's not the end of the world......have fun...XXL
Should I just end my Tren cycle right before I leave or should I start back up when I come back?
I brought my shit to london and paris no problem...
I brought my juice with me when I was in Creete, no problem there either.
why don't you load a syreng with It and put it in your tolietriess and take it while you are there than toss it when you are done
I was thinking of taking it in a syringe, but will it be ok loaded in the syringe for a few days?
yws it will be fine
How many weeks will you have been taking it by the time you leave? If it has been 4 weeks or so then I would just end the fina part of my cycle.
Thanks for the input about my fina and my vacation. I will be able to finish 5 full weeks, so I could up my dose a little so I can finish everything, and just end it right before I leave. I will be able to workout while im gone so Im not worried about wasting a week. Should I take a little extra EQ before I go and continue that when I get back for a few more weeks?
Thanks for the help
put it in a ziplock bag or something and put that in a face wash bottle , like stridex or oxy. maybe even a shampoo bottle.
that is a good way....or another good way is to wear some shorts underneath your regular jeans and put the stash inside the shorts, but watch out for metal!!!
Originally posted by $uperman
put it in a ziplock bag or something and put that in a face wash bottle , like stridex or oxy. maybe even a shampoo bottle.
yeah.... amps would be ok for that , you have to come up w/ something else for the vials
it's only a week ,you are not going to notice any difference at all. Dont worry about it and enjoy your vacation
Do as MIKE_XXL says, its exactly what I did.
I'm no geography expert, but which virgin islands?( US, British ) If you are an American and you are going to the US Virgin Islands would that not be a domestic flight?
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