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Thread: Deca cycle to help my wrist, please help out bro's I'm in dire need

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Deca cycle to help my wrist, please help out bro's I'm in dire need

    Ok, I tore a ligament in my wrist last January and discovered I have a negative ulna variance (which means my ulna is shorter than my radius) which further complicated the injury. It still bothers me. My ligaments and tendons healed fine, but this damn ulna variance kills me. The weight just can't be supported properly so my wrist suffers, mainly on pressing movements. I think my ligaments and tendons are still a bit weak actually and that is why I posted this. I am considering possibly doing a deca only cycle at VERY low dosages purely for attempting to help heal my wrists. I was thinking like 200mg/wk for like 4 weeks or so. Anyone experienced in using deca for trying to help heal injuries? I don't want to "waste" one of my cycles on this so I want to keep the dosages low. Any opinions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I use deca to help with joint pain but not sure what it will actually do for the particular injury you have. I think you might want to use deca and HGH if it is accessible and affordable. You may even be able to talk your doc into a GH script if you are lucky.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Not sure if I want to use GH at my age though, I'm 20. I dont know why that woiuld help, I thought GH only really made a difference for people over 35

    Hmmm from what I've read just quickly seems like that might be a better option than the deca. Seems that deca will just temporarily fix the problem. Any opinions on what sort of dosages I would want to take? I was thinking maybe 2iu's (5 days on, 2 off) for 6-8 weeks. Someone on EF recommended taking it for 6 months but I'm weary of taking it for that long. Also I can't afford to get carpal tunnel syndrome at this will just make my wrist problem worse! So please keep this in mind when giving recommendations. Thanks, McBain
    Last edited by McBain; 08-14-2002 at 09:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Also another concern of mine is when I could run it. I'll be finishing my first cycle mid September and I'll be done with clomid beginning of Oct. (well 2nd week of Oct). Would it be possible to start the GH immediately after recovering from that cycle for 2 months and then go straight into another cycle (without GH)....I am thinking maybe fina only...not sure. But anyways would I want to give my body a break in between those cycles? Maybe throw the GH and fina together and start them maybe 2 months or so after I end this cycle? The thing is my wrist hurts now. Would it be a bad idea to start the GH at the end of this cycle and keep it running, even through the clomid for 8 weeks?

    I tried doing some searching but these questions are pretty specific and I need some experienced bro's to answer them. I take my health very seriously and don't want to fuck myself up. Thanks, McBain

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The best advice and I know it sucks is to lay off the weights and let it heal. Talk to a PT and get some exercises to strengthen your tendons and ligaments in that area and be patient.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I took 6 months off from weights completely to let it heal. I was really good to it too, regular ice and heat, regular massage and physical therapy. I don't think rest will do it....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Deca may just hide the symptoms. Which could cause you bigger problems later. Like Rickson just stated, you may need to take some time off, or at least go lite with the weights.

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