I'm planning on doing my first cycle ever come this january and I want to make sure I do everything right. My goals are to put on 10-15lbs of solid lean muscle and cut my bodyfat under 8%. I'm currently 6'0 215lbs about 15%bf, 22yrs old, been training 5 years now. This is my proposed cycle.
Equipoise 400mg wk1-10
Winny50mg ed wks 7-12
Let me know what you guys think in terms of achieving my goals with this cycle. My diet is good when it needs to be but I've spent the past few months eating everything just trying to put lbs on my frame. Once again keep in mind that this will be my first cycle and I'm not sure how my body will react to juice. So please don't go ballistic telling me to add a ton of other stuff to it and get huge.