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Thread: Stressfull experience with pharmacists.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City

    Unhappy Stressfull experience with pharmacists.

    Well seeing as i couldnt get 23G 1.5inch pins from a good pharmacy that asks no questions an is totally helpfull (they could only get 1inchers). I decided to try out London Drugs. It was not a cool experience. Went in and asked for 23G 1.5 inch pins and asked for more syinges too, and got 5 pharmacists jumping down my throat with questions. Said they were for B12 shot. Then came question after question. Each I answered perfectly but they didnt believe me at all. They'd all be talking behind my back too those fukers. Treated me like total skum. They new i wasnt a junkie though they figured it was for gear, because of my size and all. Its my first cycle and im all shakey about everything as is and then i have to deal with this shit. Ended up walking out of there with only 4 pins and 4 syringes WOOPTY DOO.... My buddy didnt know how i could stand up there continuing to deal with them (he came with me). Oh well figured i'd share this crappy experience with you guys, seeing as im still peeved about it. Gotta get 23G 1.5insh pins off the net i guess somehow.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City
    well at this point my only choice is 22G 1inch pins but dont think 1inch will cut it for getting deep enough into the glute, and i dont wanna do any other spots for injects as its only my first cycle. Maybe ill try differnt pharmacys tommorow. Still cant believe the way i was treated though made me feel like shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Yeah..i went to a well know pharmacy on my last cycle and they did the same...three of them came over and gang banned me with q's?? So after 10min of trying to convince them...i just said i was using gear. They all lokked at each other and starting tearing into me...luckly i rebounded because i said it was for HRT because of low levels of test.
    Long story short i got 4 pins and alot of stress.

    So now i found a little place by my home where the women they're is extremly nice and sells me boxes with a smile.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    South Africa
    Well I gues I'm lucy then,I can walk into any pharmacy(S.A.)and ask for any tipe of pins or syringes and get it with no problemes.
    Lucy me!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    dude tell them to fuck off if they haras u with questions its none of their bussines they are not ilegal to buy,you ppl got lots of patience
    anyway next time go to small pharmacy or to a hospital pharmacy since not all pharmacies carry them and just ask them if they haras you move on to the next one untill you find one where they dont ask q
    believe me not all of them ask once you find that pharmacy stick with it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    when i first got my gear and needed needles i was in about 15 different local pharmacies and every single one of them told me they didnt have 22 g' or 23' i ended up ordering them online, much easier and came fast too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Whahhhhhhhh . . .

    Guys, I'm trying not to write a negative post here, but both a reminder and a hint are in order . . .

    First, please remember not to identify sources in your posts - the no-source posting policy of A.R. was extended several months ago to include sources for pins and fina kits. While some individuals know the source that was identified in (and deleted from) this thread and, as individuals, would recommend him, a policy is a policy - no source posting.

    That said, let's put this in perspective . . . Would you like a little cheese with your whine?

    Seriously, we're juicers here. We use anabolic enhancement to get big bodies so we can look like bulked-up GI Joe's. And if we're as tough as we want to think we are, we can take a little shit from a putz-brained pharmacist in the process of getting pins. It's a given that some pharmacists are going to make inquiries; others will take it to the next step and do a judgment rap, condemning you to the depths of degradation. (I wish I thought of that line, but it's from Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man.)

    In other words, if you find it hard to handle the fact that a pharmacist may be suspicious when you try to buy pins, keep in the back of your mind the words of the great American philosopher Robin Williams, "Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck." Then chill out, and always keep your cool.

    Pins are legal in Canada, period. Anyone can walk into any drug store and buy them. So be like a Nike shoe - Just do it, and don't sweat any at-tee-tude from the dude behind the counter.

    Now, as for 23 g. 1/5" pins, sorry, you won't find them. They're not a stock item at any drug store. Most drug store will carry 22 g. 1.5" pins (the standard for glute shots), but if you find 23 g. pins at all, they will be 1" in length.

    In Ontario, you'll find that the best selection of pins is at the home pharmacy version of Shoppers Drug Mart stores (you won't find them in every city). The home pharmacy version focuses more on durable medical equipment - everything from diabetic to colostomy supplies - and they have a wider selection of needles. If no luck, you can sometimes find a decent selection of separate syringes and pins at Pharma Plus stores.

    (No, folks, I'm not breaking the rule here - buying pins without a prescription is legal in Canada, although they require a prescription in most of the U.S.)

    And at worst, there's not a significant difference between 22 g. and 23 g. pins, so when it comes to 1.5" pins for a glute shot, just go with the 22 g.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    well said TNT, the place i go and get pins gave me a hard time and said i needed a prescription to get them, all i said was they were not illegal and i had bought them from there before, i ended up walking out with a box of 100. go figure, if they throw you attitude throw it back at them, whats the worst that could have to go to another store??? oh well

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Fuck those pharmacists. Thats when you need to remind them that you are a cutomer, and they are there to serve you. Needles are NOT illegal. I am serious, I would have asked to have seen their supervisor, and contacted the supervisors boss.

    I am not a "Roid Rage" person, but bad customer service makes me want to fucking kill somebody

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City
    Well I didnt take any shit today and went to 5 pharmacies none were rude or anything... but I still dont have any needles Im gettins so fukin peeved. Most said they dont have them. Im thinking ill just use 23G 1inch needles and do fukin delt shots. Its my first cycle but how hard could it be.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I like doing delts over glutes. Its easier to aim the shot.

  12. #12
    hehe.......I wish I had that problem.
    I work in a hospital and order needles and syringes all the time.
    Too bad I can't get anything to put in them


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    if you are still havin problems you can always order online

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Go to a surgical supply store. They sell them by the box and see people like you all the time. Money is money to them.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I 'm with Babi on this one ,i would of told them " look it's either you sell me the damn things or not ,why is none of your business.

    Actually one of my friends went to get some pins and when the women asked him what for he said ( steroids ) she just about shit but she gave hime the needles without any other questions ,just a worried look like he was a freak .

    Junkies get their pins for free up here .I guess the government feels it's a moral obligation in order to prevent disease spreading by sharing ect.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    costa rica
    pins arent illegal. rude them next time they try shit like this. tell them to shut up and give you your shit. people like this piss me off. i tried in my state once. i had all the answers given to me. like" i dont even have that size" or some other bullshit. i get them online now. i cant stand ignorant people. i tend to get pissed off dealing with idiots like the ones you dealt with. good luck

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    I just go to the counter with my little list:

    10 22g 1.5in 3cc syringe
    10 23g 1in 3cc syringe
    10 25g 5/8in 3cc syringe

    Guy/gal just puts em all in a bag it's totally discreet. That way when you run into grandma picking up her perscription at the drugstore you are not seen with a shitload of needles. I don't know about you guys but in my world needles only lead to questions. Best if they are left out of sight.

    As a sidenote:
    Almost all of the pharmacists I have been to have been pretty cool...except this one guy. I was at a pharmacy which shall remain nameless( they are a DRUG MART and they have some SHOPPERS )and this guy starts giving me lip. It must have been prescription refill day at the seniors center because there were like 30 people in line. Buddy starts in with ( in a raised voice so all can hear )all of these insulting totally inappropriate questions. I was pissed! I just said 'Listen here you cock&*$#er, you are not serving any of theses people until you give me what I asked for!'. He grumbled and made some remark about 'kids today blah blah blah' ( f you pal I'm 25 ) and came back with a bag and home I went. I get home, go to shooot up and I open up the bag find the 30 30g 1/2in insulin needles this SOB gave me . A-hole! I ran out and bought more at the nearest pharm. So that's when I found the place I go to now.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Last edited by EXCESS; 08-18-2002 at 04:15 PM.

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