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Thread: I know your gonna flame me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ontario Canada

    Question I know your gonna flame me

    hey guys i think i'm gonna be starting my first cycle on my 19 b-day ( i know its young). i've been lifting for about 9 months on, 4 off, and 10 on again. i'm 5'4 (havn't grown in 5 years, *ucking genitics!) and 180lbs @17%bf. looking to get bigger with a little cutting action so i'm thinking a

    sust 250/ 5cc every other day week 1-4
    deca/ 5cc every other day week 1-8
    liquid clen week 8-10
    clomid week 11-300mg first day, 100mg for ten days, 50mg for ten days.

    i know it mild and stuff so i don't need any anti e's but i want be safe (cuz its my first cycle) so would you put any in? what would you change? and is there anything i should keep in mind? i've done about a year of reasearch but i wanna make sure i cover my bases before i take the plunge. do i got my s*it toghether? thanks bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You always need Nolva just in case. Your too young and you know that so Im not going to fuck with that. Working out 9 months on and off again, thats probally why you havent seen any improvements. Doing AS is not going to help you out alot if your not dedicated to working out. If your worked out hard for 9 months, I gurantee you would see some good results. Peace

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    5cc of sust 250 and deca every other day..Am I reading this right??? I hope tt333 already said you know about the age issue...but that is all up to you. My first recomendation is do some research that cycle of yours needs some serious help. 2 weeks of liquid clen??? that won't do anything. And if you do get yourself into this mess, do yourself a favour and get some anti e's.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    what kind of deca do you have? mg/ml? You should only need 300mg/wk, 400mg at the most. the sust should be shot twice a week, 125mg and 125mg, the deca twice a week also, split in half as well. most would say take your shot mon and thurs. because of the life of the esters in these compounds shooting twice/wk keeps your blood levels more stable. also, most will tell you to run test enanthate at 400mg/wk instead of the sust.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ontario Canada
    thanks man. ya i was sick for 4 months and pretty much bed ridden (lost 20 lbs though )i know i'm young bro but would a year really make a that much of a difference? i mean i havn't really read anything negative about juicing early except that it won't be as effective and i'll get a few more zits than an older guy would.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    by the way, the test needs to be ran for at least 8 weeks also, I would run both together up to 10 wks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ontario Canada
    i mean to put clen 2 weeks on, 2 off with eca

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    go see a doc don't do AS the doc can still make you grow another 8-10 ''
    I had a friend the same way He's was 5'2" at 18 Now he's 6'2". if you do AS most will close your groth plates ......them it will be to late.....go se your doc if he won't help you .....ask him for a specialist......


  9. #9
    Originally posted by flywytegye
    what kind of deca do you have? mg/ml? You should only need 300mg/wk, 400mg at the most. the sust should be shot twice a week, 125mg and 125mg, the deca twice a week also, split in half as well. most would say take your shot mon and thurs. because of the life of the esters in these compounds shooting twice/wk keeps your blood levels more stable. also, most will tell you to run test enanthate at 400mg/wk instead of the sust.
    Bro shooting sust twice a week at 125mg each is NOT going to keep blood levels stable. If it were cyp or enanthate then this would work. Pain Train has it correct when he says he will do it every other day. Due to the fast acting esters found in sust, eod will provide much stabler (is this a word?) blood levels.

    I think he means .5cc of each eod, which is a good dose. I still DO NOT recommend he do this cycle due to the age issue. But, he sounds like he has his mind made up already, so this is what I suggest:

    wk 1-10 Sust 0.5cc eod
    wk 1-10 Deca 0.5cc eod
    wk 1-2,5-6,9-10,13-14 Clen
    start clomid 3 weeks after last shot.

    Have Nolv on hand, may want to consider bromo (for deca gyno) but its probably overkill.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I am with ECFATCAT. I wouldn't risk closing my growth plates at 5'4. You may hit a late growth spurt. It is worth waiting a couple of years to see. The AAS can always wait. If you decide to do it don't close your growth plates with a cycle like that. Get more gear and do the cycle right. Nothing wrong with going light but you should do something that will be worth the HPTA shutdown, the injections, and the risk to future height.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ontario Canada
    thanks bros i'll talk to my doctor today! maybe i can get some HGH .. i'll be sure to share the wealth!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Detroit, Lansing
    Hey Pain train. I'm 21 years old, and took my first cycle last year, at age 20. You've probably heard that you really don't need to use any Test on your first cycle, and, from experience, I'd have to agree with that. I say drop the Sus all together (especially if you really are thinking of taking 500 mg EOD--you'd have to be crazy) and save all Test for later cycles, when you are older. You don't want to deal with those side effects anyways. For my first cycle I took only Deca, and gained about 20 pounds, which I kept on. I think you'd be great with just the deca and the clen! Just some advice I thought might be helpful, from someone almost your same age. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Bro, if your gonna do it your gonna do it, so i am not gonna tell you not to but comming from a true Ectomorph, your would be suprised what a difference food and training will do. It just takes time, same with -AS- it takes time. I trained for 5 years naturaly before i started using, and am glad i did, because now i have a better base to build from. Just my 2 cents

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ontario Canada
    still debateing boys. but i migh just hold off for a bit

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