I'm in ketosis, looking flat, leaving for dominican in 4 days, I need to carb up and avoid over spilling into water retention, and if possible shed some water, or have some subQ water go intraM for glycogen storage (hopefully).
I have never done contestish prep before, however I would like to know. What I can do to be sure to come in dryer and fuller, I'm at about 12-13% bf so I don't expect a miracle, but a carb up can be hell for definition....I'm def keeping the carbs clean and the sodium very low starting tomorrow. And possibly reducing water intake during the carb up. Any help guys....this would be throoughly appreciated. I know I will hold this condition for not long, however I just want a great first impression as i'm going with a party of about 30, and am the workout guy, so I want to look on my A game...thanks dudes....