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Thread: Growth Factor 1

  1. #1

    Growth Factor 1

    Hello there everyone.
    I am now 20 years old and I don't like my size. (height/weight)
    Would it be possible to grow more with GF?
    What would happen if I take it?

    Thanks alot for all of your answers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    u dont even know how tall you are or how much you weigh? please dont hurt yourself.

  3. #3
    I am 1.60 cm tall and I weigh 185 pounds.
    I will never hurt myself. I want is to be informed thats it bro..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    have u even trained before we need info ? have u tried a proper diet and trainning routine . you need to get your goals set, jumping in at the deepend wont get u know wear m8 do some research on dieting and a good workout .

  5. #5
    I thing im not high enoygh because of training....
    Ive been lifting since im 13 or so .. HEAVY lifting...
    I wanted to do a Test only cycle now ... (first one) but didnt got my 100 posts yet to get source lil more patience and it will be good....
    But usually people grow while taking it right?

  6. #6

  7. #7
    For someone that has been around since February, you sure dont know much... Seriously, do some homework and research all the information and then you should be more knowledgeable

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dublin eire
    you seem to be a good weight for youre size,if youve been working out as hard as you say you are in good shape,yes?
    yes you will grow while on cycle but without proper education,pct and training you will lose it all,also steroids will stunt youre growth plates if you begin to early
    youre just growing at the moment,enjoy youre youth. drink beer and have a laugh,
    you have gota train hard and so many other things have to be right before you even think about steroids,its a big commitment that lasts long after just looking good for the summer months
    make sure you do them for the right reasons and i believe at 20 its just to soon,its unhealthy and logically wrong
    you will make excellant gains through diet and otc supplements at youre age youre in youre prime bro,use it natty while you can

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by celticd
    you seem to be a good weight for youre size,if youve been working out as hard as you say you are in good shape,yes?
    yes you will grow while on cycle but without proper education,pct and training you will lose it all,also steroids will stunt youre growth plates if you begin to early
    youre just growing at the moment,enjoy youre youth. drink beer and have a laugh,
    you have gota train hard and so many other things have to be right before you even think about steroids,its a big commitment that lasts long after just looking good for the summer months
    make sure you do them for the right reasons and i believe at 20 its just to soon,its unhealthy and logically wrong
    you will make excellant gains through diet and otc supplements at youre age youre in youre prime bro,use it natty while you can
    very cool reply bro .. thanks alot..
    I changed my mind about gf but still
    think a lil test will help anyways ... am i wrong?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by vlad_xp
    very cool reply bro .. thanks alot..
    I changed my mind about gf but still
    think a lil test will help anyways ... am i wrong?

    You have all the testoterone you need to grow Big!

    Steroids is best to people 30+ when the testo begin to drop!

    At my 20 I grow big with good diet, protein shake (Weider at this time) and
    Good training only!

    Now at 40 is another history.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dublin eire
    as said above 30yrs old is early enough,im around 6wks into my 1st cycle and im 31yrs old,icant believe the difference it makes but thats because my natty test was on the slide,if you start to young youre gona open up a load of shit down the road for yourself
    its good youre intrested in keeping fit and not out doing drugs but youre to young for this ride
    of course its youre choice,hope u do the rite thing bud

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