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  1. #1
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    pretty sure its an abcess

    4 days ago i injected my left delt.. and about 4 inches under it, it started devloping a knot.. not unusual, been injecting test prop a little over 4 weeks now.. and that almost always happens.... but it started to hurt a little bit more than usual.. and started to get a little red.. and the skin 4 inches under the injections site was extremly tight.. and i noticed when i was doing preacher curls all my muscles were flexed in the mirror and there was an odd extra muscle in the middle.. which really was a lump about 1.5inch in diameter.... i asked my friend whos done many cycles in the past and he said it was an abcess.. so he said i should just check by sticking the biggest needle i had in there and trying to withdraw some liquid... i only had 22g so i used that... and i took out 3ccs of a watermelon looking liquid..
    --and there still more.. he then told me i could just drain it out myself with an 18g and take some anitbiotics.. but im probably going to go to the doctor in a few days... most likly tommorow...

    any suggestions what i should tell the doctor.. can i just say i was injecting b12.... i really dont want steroids on my medical records because i'll be commisioning in 2 years or so in the military.... and that would most likely cause them to deny me.. thanks

  2. #2
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    4 days ago i injected my left delt.. and about 4 inches under it, it started devloping a knot.. not unusual, been injecting test prop a little over 4 weeks now.. and that almost always happens.... but it started to hurt a little bit more than usual.. and started to get a little red.. and the skin 4 inches under the injections site was extremly tight.. and i noticed when i was doing preacher curls all my muscles were flexed in the mirror and there was an odd extra muscle in the middle.. which really was a lump about 1.5inch in diameter.... i asked my friend whos done many cycles in the past and he said it was an abcess.. so he said i should just check by sticking the biggest needle i had in there and trying to withdraw some liquid... i only had 22g so i used that... and i took out 3ccs of a watermelon looking liquid..
    --and there still more.. he then told me i could just drain it out myself with an 18g and take some anitbiotics.. but im probably going to go to the doctor in a few days... most likly tommorow...

    any suggestions what i should tell the doctor.. can i just say i was injecting b12.... i really dont want steroids on my medical records because i'll be commisioning in 2 years or so in the military.... and that would most likely cause them to deny me.. thanks
    Be sure to go to the doc and get proper medical care. Even if it isnt an abcess I wouldnt risk it. It does sounds like an abcess. Is it hot to the touch, do you have a fever? Those are sure signs. I would lie to them and tell them it was vit B since youre going into the military.

  3. #3
    imanewbie is offline Associate Member
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    **** it dude. i have gone to the dr for it before i told them i was taking testosterone . they cant tell anyone...unless they can release that to the military. but they gave me another steroid and some anti Bs. its worth it. it was gone within a few days and i felt alot better....i would go to the Dr and tell them the truth man

  4. #4
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imanewbie
    **** it dude. i have gone to the dr for it before i told them i was taking testosterone. they cant tell anyone...unless they can release that to the military. but they gave me another steroid and some anti Bs. its worth it. it was gone within a few days and i felt alot better....i would go to the Dr and tell them the truth man

    really really bad advice. there are a lot of people who can access your medical records dont be fooled. for instance i know a dude who got in some sh*t cuz of this very thing. he told a doc he was juicin put it in his record and got denied private medical insurance about four years later. no reason not to say b12 shot and be done with it.

  5. #5
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    thanks for the info guys..
    no fever...
    just "watermelon" looking juice coming out of my arm when i stick a needle in it.. my friend said if it stinks thats a bad sign so i squeezed some out of the syringe into my fingers and smelled it .. didnt stink.. but was sticky.. still a sign of puss.... but yeah.. i already took a DODMERB physical for the military they dug up all my past medical history and asked me questions about everything.. stuff i didnt even remember about when i was still like 5.... and the hospital i will be going to will be on lackland air force base.... so im pretty sure im just going to stick to the b12 shot ....but telling them its b12 instead of test prop isnt going to matter in the treatment right? i just want to make sure.. thanks for the info guys

  6. #6
    cold1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scribbs12
    thanks for the info guys..
    no fever...
    just "watermelon" looking juice coming out of my arm when i stick a needle in it.. my friend said if it stinks thats a bad sign so i squeezed some out of the syringe into my fingers and smelled it .. didnt stink.. but was sticky.. still a sign of puss.... but yeah.. i already took a DODMERB physical for the military they dug up all my past medical history and asked me questions about everything.. stuff i didnt even remember about when i was still like 5.... and the hospital i will be going to will be on lackland air force base.... so im pretty sure im just going to stick to the b12 shot ....but telling them its b12 instead of test prop isnt going to matter in the treatment right? i just want to make sure.. thanks for the info guys
    It wouldn't matter if you stuck yourself with a dirty sewing needle. They are going to treat the infection, if thats what it is, you just need a believable reason for why there is an infection. B12 is a good enough story.

  7. #7
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I agree with abcess theory. If you have a good source or someone in the medical field, see if they can score a gram vial of ancef. That should clear up almost anything you have. And you can probably ask around and someone may a have some amoxicillin in pill form. As long as you keep it drained it will clear itself up.

  8. #8
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    thanks guys

  9. #9
    HomesliceYEA is offline Junior Member
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    keflex works damn well. Used it before. If you don't have a fever you're in decent shape.

  10. #10
    Coop77's Avatar
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    I don't think you really have to tell them anything. They know an abscess when they see it, and how to treat it. How you got the abscess is irrelevant. Politely tell them it's none of their business.

  11. #11
    BOOST's Avatar
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    I would hit hit keflex at 500mg twice a day. I would not be sucking it out, you could make it worse. If anything, you can hit the ER and tell them you injected b12. You do not want to mess around with a infection, they can get very bad.

  12. #12
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    i dont have any keflex or know where to get it from.. all i have is some penicilin.. thats says to take 2 pills 4 times a day. that are dosed at 250mg each pill.. says take for only 7 days... someone told me that should be good.. what do you guys think?.. so stop draining it? and just stick to the pennicilin? it hasnt gotten any worse and no fevers.. so im guessing im okay for now.. thanks in advance

  13. #13
    HomesliceYEA is offline Junior Member
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    you can get keflex from a vet supply (fish antibiotics) online. Search for "Fish Flex". It's the same stuff.

  14. #14
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    thanks alot bro

  15. #15
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    alright guys so my friends friends is a pharm tech.. and is going to hook it up.. only thing is i have to pick up the stuff in the next few hours.... What am i suppose to geT?? keflex? is this the best thing i can get? or is there something better.... would using a combination of keflex and pen be bad?... my abcess is actually getting better since i drained it yesterday. doesnt hurt anymore its just "hard" only hurts if i d a curling motion and flex.. im going to drain it again today after i buy some antibiotics.. thanks in advance

  16. #16
    sdstacker is offline New Member
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    Take your penicilin and you should be fine. I would not continue to drain it, since there is a chance that this may continually introduce more bacteria to the problem. If its not better after a week of penicilin then go to the doctor and do not volunteer the true cause of the abcess to the doctor. The cause is irrelevent to the cure. If the doctor asked, I would make up a dumb excuse (like you were poked with a safetypin by accident).

  17. #17
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    alright got yuh.. but im going to pick up keflex just incase --- because i only have 24(250mg) pen pills left.. and the bottle says to take for 7 days.. thats only a 3 day supply.. started today.. so it will acutally be like a little over 3 days.. i'll just start keflex after the 3rd day..
    bottle says to continue use even though it seems im getting better because it may still be there and come back if i stop... so thats why im thinking of runnning keflex after penn for another 4 days..
    if that doesnt work then i'll go to the doctor.. thanks again guys

  18. #18
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    double post.

  19. #19
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    went to the pharmacy and told my guy whats up and he said the best thing i could take for it would be Ciprofloxin.. that it would dry it out and contain it better then penn and keflex so i tooks his advice because he has a degree and is a doctor.... gave me 14 pills 500mg each and told me to take them every 12 hours.. i'll let you know how it turns out in 7 days.. thanks for everyoen who replied...

  20. #20
    Getinbgr's Avatar
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    An alternate excuse: Shooting Melotannin (the tanning drug); or

    shooting heroin. Either one should work.

  21. #21
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr
    An alternate excuse: Shooting Melotannin (the tanning drug); or

    shooting heroin. Either one should work.
    ummmmm not a good idea...why the hell would you tell someone you were shootin h instead of gear this make no sense. lets see i can have in my medical charts that i am an addict or shoot gear and train. sorry i dont get it....

  22. #22
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    yeah i was thinking the same exact thing... why would i tell the doctor im shooting h.... i rather say i was doing steroids any day... and i dont even think you shoot h in your delt......
    but anywyas the cipro meds is killing me.... making me dry heave and gag every now and then.... stomach aches and i have a dry ass mouth all day long... kind of sucks...but hey .. whatever works

  23. #23
    BOOST's Avatar
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    When I had one really bad here is what I took, this is hitting it with everything.

    Amox 875mg twice a day
    Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day
    Keflex 500mg 3 times a day

    It cleared up in 4 days, and trust me it was very bad I thought I had to get cut

  24. #24
    scribbs12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST
    When I had one really bad here is what I took, this is hitting it with everything.

    Amox 875mg twice a day
    Ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day
    Keflex 500mg 3 times a day

    It cleared up in 4 days, and trust me it was very bad I thought I had to get cut
    yeah i cant imagine how bad you felt.... im just on cipro 500mg x2 a day.. and it sucks..

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