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  1. #1
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    can proviron be used like this?

    Hey bros,

    Im doing this cycle
    Week 1-8 Sustanon 250 @ 750mg/week/E2D
    Week 1-8 NPP @ 500mg/week/E3D
    Week 9-10 Proviron 25mg 2x day
    Week 11-16 Nolvadex 20mg/day
    Week 11-14 Arimidex .50mg/day
    Week 11-14 Clomid 50mg/day
    Week 11-14 Pregnyl 1000iu/day
    Week 11-16 Clenbuterol 80mcg/day
    Also Pregnyl is shot at 5000iu every 10 days while on cycle
    Arimidex is taken at .5mg/day while on cycle till week 14

    To get to the point my question is, would is be wise to use proviron for the 2 weeks to increase androgen levels while the levels of sus and npp decline?. i am prone to gyno so i want to make sure oestrogens never dominate while the sus and npp leave the body so i can start PCT.

  2. #2
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    Aug 2006
    Why not use it through the whole cycle, keep your androgens up the whole time and increase the effects of the other compounds. Also the pregnyl might come back to bite you, doses too high IMO. Iether run it during cycle or P.C.T, not both. 250- 500 iu's ed weeks 6,7,8. Arimidex is a waste of time during P.C.T as it is an Aromatase inhibitor with little or no test to inhibit during p.c.t. You will have no endiginous test and you have stopped your suss as well. It won't get rid of excess estro that has accumulated during the cycle. Nothing will. Nolva just stops it from binding. Use 0.2 mg during your cycle. Run your clomid at 100 mg weeks 11 - 12 and 50mg 13 - 14. HCG for P.C.T, refer to the how to do P.C.T threads

  3. #3
    yarakefendi is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    thanks for input frank, bump

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