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Thread: Pin Anxiety

  1. #1

    Pin Anxiety

    New member here seeking some advice. About 6 months ago I completed my first cycle. After some consideration I decided to go for round two starting today. However, when it came time to do the injection I became extremely anxious and started sweating. Needless to say I couldn't close the deal. This was never an issue before and I feel after the first it will be easier. Any advice?

    Hate to sound like such a puss on my first post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Just relaz, take your time, look around online, lots of tutorials with pictures. You could also practice injecting water into an orange or lemons, thats how nurses practice. If that still doesn't get you over it have someone else inject u. I can never do my left cheek

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dude lol just stick it in and quit being a baby no one can tell you what to do your still gunna have to follow through with it yourself just suck it up and stick yourself. If you wana use aas your gunna have to get over that, you cant take orals only. you dont wanna waste all that gear do ya...not tryin to be mean but lol just stick yourself dont think about it jsut do it, shit if you dont wanna send it hear and ill take some for ya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    left cheeck do like this stick yourself with your left then come around behind your back with your right to keep it stable.. its kinnda a pain to do the left thought but you gotta rotate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    AAS usage is not for everyone! Plain & Simple!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Joe
    AAS usage is not for everyone! Plain & Simple!
    Why because he's having trouble on his first shot...i think almost everyone does. AT least everyone i have ever talked to. It's normal.

    I would definitly practice though, It can get tough trying to aspirate and shoot without moving the srynge too much, and I would suggest going fast, if you go slow you have time to feel and think about every 1/32" going through your flesh.

  7. #7
    Fast, your right though, thats how it has to be. My first cycle was administered by a doctor for the first 6 weeks or so. After that getting stuck was normal so I started doing it on my own at home. In fact there got to be a point when I looked forward to it.

    Guess I just gotta man up and get the first one out of the way. Thanks for all of the information on this forum, there is a wealth of information on here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    i always get a little nervous i think its normal just dont let your nerves get the best of u is all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    it happened to me the first shot of my first couple of cycles - its normal just take your time and don't panic - remember to aspirate. Why are you still reading this..... go do it..... let's get a full report after you do it.... LOL...

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