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Thread: side effects??

  1. #1
    blade29's Avatar
    blade29 is offline Junior Member
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    side effects??

    im running a 12 week cycle. 500mg of test e/ 300mg of deca . im also running pct for 4 weeks. that includes nolva and clomid. i don't care about acne. I'm most worried about sex drive, deca dick, hair loss, etc. can i really expect harsh side effects from a low dose cycle like this?

  2. #2
    DARKSEID's Avatar
    DARKSEID is offline Senior Member
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    Most likely with those doses no, but alot is really ***endant on the individual.

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should be okay: since you have test, sex drive and deca dick shouldnt be a problem. Keep bromo or cabergoline on hand in case deca has strong progesteronic sides in your system. As for hairloss, that's a toss up...if you have male pattern baldness in your family, it could speed it up...altho there are meds you can take but you'd have to do a search


  4. #4
    blade29's Avatar
    blade29 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    thanks ya'll

  5. #5
    gehirin's Avatar
    gehirin is offline Junior Member
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    from my first test deca (400mg/wk) cycle, I really didn't see any major side effects - Other than great muscle mass. I did get acne on m yshoulders but nothing like a test only cycle. That one gave me serious acne with hair falling out. During the test/deca cycle I cut the test dose in half. Didn't get any deca dick. Hair seems cool. I use Nizoral shampoo just in case. I love deca though...

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