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Thread: Anavar only

  1. #1

    Anavar only

    Does anyone have any experiences with just an Anavar Stack?

    Was wondering: if this is the only thing I ran .. besides PCT, what should the minimum dosage be, and what is the minimum length of cycle you would recomend. It is relatively expensive, and I didn't know if there was a minimum cycle length that is required to get the benefits. Thought about running 100mg for about 6 weeks. Train hard, work hard on the diet, and some good results. Not really using it for mass, but more for defin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TripleX19
    Does anyone have any experiences with just an Anavar Stack?

    Was wondering: if this is the only thing I ran .. besides PCT, what should the minimum dosage be, and what is the minimum length of cycle you would recomend. It is relatively expensive, and I didn't know if there was a minimum cycle length that is required to get the benefits. Thought about running 100mg for about 6 weeks. Train hard, work hard on the diet, and some good results. Not really using it for mass, but more for defin.
    Sounds like you're seeking minimal results!

    Seriously though, to answer your question: 40mgs for 6 weeks would be the bare minimum. But your outcome would increase considerably with 60 - 80mgs for 8 wks.


  3. #3
    Okay, I was planning on taking about 75-80mg/ day for 6-8 weeks. I also thought about taking it with some test-e.

    --- should I take the Anavar in doses of like 40mg, or take all 80mg at one time each day?
    Last edited by TripleX19; 05-21-2007 at 04:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I did var at 75mg ed for 8 weeks. If you are doin it just by itself i suggest that dose and length in order to get results. I also ran IGF with it.

    And by adding the test you are completely changing your cycle and goals. Test isnt something "you just throw in" to your cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TripleX19
    Okay, I was planning on taking about 75-80mg/ day for 6-8 weeks. I also thought about taking it with some test-e.

    --- should I take the Anavar in doses of like 40mg, or take all 80mg at one time each day?
    take it every 12 hours

  6. #6
    Right, I understand the deal with adding test. I think with test, I would pack on some serious weight. I was just hoping to get some good strength increases with just the var and maybe add about 3-7 lbs in the end. Have read that the gains and fat loss is very stable with var. If I get my diet in check and hit the gym hard, I'm hoping (keyword "hoping") be able to gain just a little weight, with some impressive definition.

    I am debating however, if i should add the test (400mg week) and really get serious with this. Wasn't planning on just throwing it in, just debating the type of results that I want. I think the two together would result in some serious mass, but also a lot worse on my body. was planning on just running var, and if i like it, using it together with test next time.

    once again ,, this is only expected with an excellent diet, and dedicated training.

    - also, when you said to take it every 12 hours .. you mean 40mg every 12 hours right?
    Last edited by TripleX19; 05-21-2007 at 05:26 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    yeah 40mg every 12 hours. You can easily gain 3-7lbs in 8 weeks if you are dedicated. Do a search on "var only" there are hundreds of people here who have done var only. i did it and will do it again

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