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  1. #1
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
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    test c. bulking cycle question

    need some help with my bulking cycle that i will start in 2 weeks,

    my stats:
    bf 10%
    age: 29
    weight: 202
    height: 6'2
    4 cycles

    my cycle consist of:
    1-10 test c 500-600ew
    1-5 d-bol 35-50ed
    1-8 deca 300-450 ew

    my concern is whether 10 weeeks is good enough to run test c for or should i get more and run it for an additional 2-3 weeks
    is my dosages enough, (im looking to gain about 10-15 lean mass,)

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    you could run the cyp for another 2 weeks to make it a 12 week run but whatw do you mean by 500-600 per week, will you be pyramiding? if so, don't bother, just run it at 500 or 600 ew for 12 weeks. same with the d-bol and deca ... keep them consistent (d-bol 4 weeks at 50mg ed for example and deca 1-10 at 400 or 500 ew) you stated running deca for 8 weeks, why not for 10?

  3. #3
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    At first glance it looks like you need to focus more on your diet. If you have taken 4 cycles, you should be a lot bigger.

    As far as the proposed cycle, your Deca needs to be ran longer than 8 weeks. This is because it is a long ester and will take a while to start seeing results. The least I would run it is 10 weeks, preferrably 12. I would also run the Test to at least week 13, or one week past your Deca.

    As far as dosage, I don't really like to comment on that. It's your body and I wouldn't want you to take my advice and next thing you know you're growing horns. You will be able to determine how your body will react to certain dosages better than anyone else.

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Tell you what bro...what were your other cycles and their results??? was your nutrition while on those cycles???...You need to back up and see how successful your past cycles were...if they werent find out why they were NOT...That way you know you're not spinning your wheels..

  5. #5
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
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    the reason why 10 weeks test and 8 wks deca is becaUSe of the amount per vial,

    ill have to order more if it calls for it which isnt a big deal,

    titliest, to answr your question, 3 out of the 4 cycles were 6 years ago (when i didnt no anything about anything)

    my last cycle came about 8 months ago which was anavar and test e.

    i have clomids, l-dex and ltero on hand,

    im gyno prone, is which of these would you guys recommend for my pct, besides running some arim. at .25 ed

  6. #6
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
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    bigmax, for sure the issue i had in the past was party and diet,

    i dont party anymore and since have learned 1000% more about diet

  7. #7
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
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    my diet is pretty clean but i never in the past keep a nutrition log, once i started doing so i found that i wasnt taking in nearly enough cal. or protein per day

  8. #8
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Good bro...then 10 weeks is fine...just make sure your calories and protein is high...there is nothing wrong with a partying bro...but my rule is NOT while ON cycle...

  9. #9
    rancoa is offline Junior Member
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    good to know,
    bigmax, when do you recommend to start with my clomid, my research has shown 2-3 weeks after last test inject, is this right?

  10. #10
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    18 days after your last test cyp injection is pct time

  11. #11
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    SPend the money that you were going to use for the extra 2 weeks of gear on the highest quality protein blend you can buy and bump up your protein intake through the roof. That alone will make more of a difference than two more weeks added to your cycle.

  12. #12
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if u have to order more gear anyway take the deca for a full 12wks extend the cyp to 14 wks and enjoy the gains u can get from the deca.only running it 8 wks might not be enough to get the full potenetial of it. and dont take prot powder for your protein get it from real food IMO

  13. #13
    gorgorothsatanis's Avatar
    gorgorothsatanis is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    if u have to order more gear anyway take the deca for a full 12wks extend the cyp to 14 wks and enjoy the gains u can get from the deca.only running it 8 wks might not be enough to get the full potenetial of it. and dont take prot powder for your protein get it from real food IMO
    You need to eat A LOT of food to get 400-500 grams of protein per day. I can't do it without getting sick, that's why I use a protein blend. Whatever works for you.

  14. #14
    darr's Avatar
    darr is offline Member
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    imo you should run deca1-10 testcyp1-13.

  15. #15
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gorgorothsatanis
    You need to eat A LOT of food to get 400-500 grams of protein per day. I can't do it without getting sick, that's why I use a protein blend. Whatever works for you.
    im not nockin u bro watev wrks for u is great. the concensus i get from what ive read n other bros is real food is better but a shake here or there cant hurt, peace!

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