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  1. #1
    Idunno is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    results thus far in my 1st cycle

    well guys; I am in week 4 of my Dbol & Test E cycle and I will post pics at the end o the week. I am coming off 2 years with a back injury and had two nice felxible rods installed in my back February 21st. I now do jiu jitsu 2 X ED for a little over an hour each and I work out 3-4 times a week. I was 34 % BF according to the calipers test my trainer did when we started training. I got down to 24% naturally and started my cycle around there. I am 30 Y/O and 202 right now but I am rapidly dropping BF and adding LBM as I am 17%BF as of today!!!!

    I started at 205 and 34%, got down to 196ish and 24% and now I'm on the way back up with a pretty clean bulking diet at 202 and 17% and I am very happy so far. I would like to be "bigger" but I know that with my current results, that is only a few weeks away!! I am ecstatic about my gains and can not WAIT for the next 6 weeks to unfold!! I am adding in some time with my trainer so I can further benefit from the cycle.

    Just thought I'd share the results and thank you guys for your help in answering various questions and for providing such an informative forum where I can research the answer to many of my own questions without bothering you guys!

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    College Station
    kool, congrats on the fat loss

  3. #3
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    did someone use DNP ??????????????????

  4. #4
    Idunno is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    no DNP but I did add in my clen 4-5 days ago as I always felt fatigued. Added in Clen and I have no more energy problems!

    My cycle is as follows:
    week 1-2.5
    250 Test E E3D
    40MG Dbol ED
    .25 Ldex ED
    10mg Nolva ED

    weeks 2.5-now (day 2 week 4)
    same as above but took Dbol to 60mg and added in 1ml Clen

    weeks 5-10 (maybe 12 D-pending on results)
    test E 250 E3D
    clen, nolva, and Ldex as above

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