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  1. #1
    Decoder's Avatar
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    quad injection may have hit tendon? sore around knee cap..

    Ok so i did my first quad injectoin ever with deca /enth, it was a werid experince, i had tunnel vision watching my hand push the needle deep into my thigh. I felt really light headed like i was going to pass out but i knew it was all in my head i felt like i was going to faint as i was pushing the plunger so i started to push a little faster. It all went it i pulled it out. Then laid on the floor for almost a minute and i felt much better. Anyways im sure It was because i was staring at a 1.5 inch get barried in my leg that i felt light headed doing this for the first time, my first 3 cycles where glue shots only. Its been about 15 hours since my shot. From the injection site down to my knee cap my leg is stiff and sore as if I was hit by a baseball bat even around my knee cap no where near the incjection site did i hit something possibly to cause the pain to go down so far?

  2. #2
    Decoder's Avatar
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    I Injected my right leg, the actual site isnt that bad the main area that is killing me is the outer side of my knee joint right next to the cap. If that part wasnt absolutely killing me i could walk with out a limp, I think i wont be working out legs tommorrow..

  3. #3
    Decoder's Avatar
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    One last thing to add, I think i shot directly down instead of shooting from the side into my quad..

  4. #4
    startlifting is offline New Member
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    Last edited by startlifting; 09-25-2007 at 07:23 PM. Reason: delete

  5. #5
    Decoder's Avatar
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    i did the same thing i warmed it up, i bassically need a cane right now..

  6. #6
    SilverBack_69's Avatar
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    I had the same thing happen before I started to cut my gear. Did injection in the quad and it would became tender around the knee cap. This would always go away with time(few days) as the high BA soaked into my blood stream. I dont feal that you hit a tendon as I hit one in my quad yesterday and the shock to the tendon made them contract and pull the needle out of my hand, and go from 90 degrees to my leg to lying flat against it in a second. So I think you would have known if you hit a tendon at injection time. You will be fine bro the swelling should start to go down with in a couple days.

  7. #7
    startlifting is offline New Member
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    Last edited by startlifting; 09-25-2007 at 07:24 PM. Reason: delete

  8. #8
    morphysique is offline New Member
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    everyone say thighs are great. and ive been in the game for some time. although i have tried it. i got the worst experience. could not walk for 9 days. i know i probably did it wrong. ive checked out

    these photos dont do to much justice. and folks that have done them say you need to inject where your thigh and hamstring separats.quads and hamstring. just about the split of the quad is what i was told. i really wish someone would make a video.

    would love to do these. especially for site enhancement. with tren and eq
    will love to know the exact spot to inject.

  9. #9
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    I need more injection spots thats the problem thats why im willing to try my left quad thursday on my next injection day, Ill try it more on the side where hte muscle splits i was about 3-4 inchs above that area closer to the top of my thigh. The top of my knee cap is sore as shit too, I almost can't walk now. work is going to suck tommorrow.. you guys out there who are pulling this off with out pain please shoot some info Thanks for all you guys who have already let me know im not the only one with this problem.

  10. #10
    morphysique is offline New Member
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    im with ya brotha. lets bump this to the top. maybe someone can post a pic of themselves doing it. or a vid. oh hell im going to check youtube.

  11. #11
    Decoder's Avatar
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    update: it hasnt even been 24hrs yet i been in bed 5 hours no i went to get up i can not walk extreme paiin, around the knee i cant put weight on it, I dont know what to do about work and telling my family what happned, you physically cant see anything with my leg, but around the knee is ****ing killing me.

  12. #12
    sci muscle's Avatar
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    I find quad injections to be simple and painless. I get a little sore for a day, but very minor. Its either the oil are a bad injection spot doing it. I always go into the meaty part of my vastus lateralus (the outer quad, upper-outer meaty part of thigh). Supposedly there isn't too many nerves and blood vessels in that area.

  13. #13
    lawsey000's Avatar
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    I'm thinking it's virgin muscle man. I had the exact same thing the first few times I shot my quads. I felt crippled for like 4 days. It'll get better.

  14. #14
    davidboy's Avatar
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    I had both my left and right knees were size of watermelon on my first quad injection, i couldn't walk and bend my knee at all for more than one week, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my shots, it seemed that I wasn't injecting into muscle and gear were traveling in my knee.. know I found painless quad I shoot in outer quad and I barely get any sore.. make sure you inject in outer quad where your hand rests on side of quad above your index finger. it works for me bro you should try it bro..good luck

  15. #15
    morphysique is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidboy
    I had both my left and right knees were size of watermelon on my first quad injection, i couldn't walk and bend my knee at all for more than one week, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my shots, it seemed that I wasn't injecting into muscle and gear were traveling in my knee.. know I found painless quad I shoot in outer quad and I barely get any sore.. make sure you inject in outer quad where your hand rests on side of quad above your index finger. it works for me bro you should try it bro..good luck

    thanks but please elaborate a little bit more. can youtake a digital pic. and post it. would be helpful. thanks

  16. #16
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    i don't think its nething serious i mean its a very very small puncture mark, its not like ur were lifting heavy and tore a tendon that way, yea u should be fine and just train around it. U must be shooting pretty far down ur leg to hit it next to ur kneecap. I usually flex my leg first so I can see the lateralis muscle and then rotate and shoot at the 45 degree angle that way and I really really don't have much problem

  17. #17
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    Today im able to walk with a limp it still hurts alot but im still getting better my next injection is thursday, ill shoot my other leg in the side this time and hopefully, it wont be as bad?

  18. #18
    Decoder's Avatar
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    my leg is getting stiff again, I can barely walk this sucks.

  19. #19
    Nitz5785 is offline Associate Member
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    At my computer
    I had that happen to me once or twice. It felt like the oil leaked down into my kneecap and I could barely walk but after a couple days it was fine. I still only shoot my legs.

  20. #20
    Decoder's Avatar
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    nitz did you shoot towards the top more than the sides, i think that is the cause..

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