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Thread: Need to tweak cycle

  1. #1

    Need to tweak cycle

    Hey all.

    I need help in finalizing my cycle. this is my first cycle after lifting semi-consistently for a little over 2 years. I'm 29 years old. I went from 115 to 155lbs (im 5'8).

    I was recommended to take 200 mgs/deca and 200 mgs/test ethanate for 10 weeks (with nolv on hand and chlomid for post cycle). (possible some winstrol at the end). as the final hour approaches however, i just wanted to get some opinions on some variations. I know that the dosages are small but since im not looking to blow up all at once and just to be cautious i wanted to start mild. My goals are to gain 15lbs of lean muscle and possible shed some of my bulking diet belly.

    Would i be better off taking eq instead of deca? sust instead of test ethanatate? I've read that sust makes you hold less water ( a big plus) but that it can you give the flu (big minus). Eq is said to be less sides than deca and hold less water as well.

    Becuase i have to retain my quickness and agility for martial arts, im concerned that the deca/test will result in too much bloating. Yet, im kind of nervous to take sust, cuz if i get sick , i won't be doing any training.

    what do you all think? will i be a bloated mess from ethanate and deca? Would Sust or EQ only be better for what im trying to achieve?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    hey bro,
    i would definitely recommend the eq over the deca, mainly because youre wanting to shed the "bulking belly" and eq will help you do that. between the 2 deca is known more for mass, while eq is a great cutting drug.
    also, there are far less sides with eq, as it is extremely mild.

    this is just my opinion, but screw the sust, and stick with the enanthate. for me sust is useless unless you shoot it at least eod, because the fast acting prop ester will be wasted if you dont. enan is a long chain ester, so 2 shots a week will do wonders at 200mg each.

    these are just my thoughts bro, im sure you'll get more...........

    peace bb79

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I agree with bb79...go with Eq instead of Deca. And Test Enanthate instead of Sust. JMO


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