Hey all.
I need help in finalizing my cycle. this is my first cycle after lifting semi-consistently for a little over 2 years. I'm 29 years old. I went from 115 to 155lbs (im 5'8).
I was recommended to take 200 mgs/deca and 200 mgs/test ethanate for 10 weeks (with nolv on hand and chlomid for post cycle). (possible some winstrol at the end). as the final hour approaches however, i just wanted to get some opinions on some variations. I know that the dosages are small but since im not looking to blow up all at once and just to be cautious i wanted to start mild. My goals are to gain 15lbs of lean muscle and possible shed some of my bulking diet belly.
Would i be better off taking eq instead of deca? sust instead of test ethanatate? I've read that sust makes you hold less water ( a big plus) but that it can you give the flu (big minus). Eq is said to be less sides than deca and hold less water as well.
Becuase i have to retain my quickness and agility for martial arts, im concerned that the deca/test will result in too much bloating. Yet, im kind of nervous to take sust, cuz if i get sick , i won't be doing any training.
what do you all think? will i be a bloated mess from ethanate and deca? Would Sust or EQ only be better for what im trying to achieve?