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  1. #1
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006

    Test, equipois, winstrol cycle

    I want to try something a friend recommended wich to me made some sense because I feel that after 6 weeks my gains slow down considerably but I think I want to add another compound like tren -a in the beginning to make it a little more meaty sort of speak. I got 2 300mg test-e 10cc vials, 2 300mg equipois 10cc vials and 2 50mg winstrol 20cc vials and im currently running 4iu's a day of HGH and will do the same for the next four months. So here is his recommendations: 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off then 6 weeks on its sort of a 14 week cycle with a break in between and run HCG in those two weeks to clean receptors. But I need to put it all together maybe something like this:

    weeks 1-6 test-e 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 1-6 equipois 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 1-6 tren-ace 150mg/eod
    weeks 7-8 HCG
    weeks 9-14 test-e 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 9-14 equipois 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 9-14 winstrol 50mg/ed
    weeks 14-18 pct arimadex, nolvadex and hcg
    arimadex will be taken at .25-.50 ed through out cycle

    Please tell me if you see something wrong or if you think I should change something

    My stats are:
    cycle history, 2 cyles, highest doses test-e @ 750/w, tren @ 525/w, winstrol @ 35mg/d, deca @ 300mg/w and provirone @ 50mg/d

    age 25
    10% bf
    Last edited by iggyh28; 05-22-2007 at 09:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Dirty South
    Seems like a pretty dumb idea to me.

  3. #3
    iggyh28 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2006
    One of the reasons i want to give it a try is that this guy is huge he is around 250-260 below 10%bf he takes everything even slin and he competes so its coming from someone who looks like he knows his shit. He tells me that he cycles that way but after the second 6 weeks he does another 2 weeks off and then goes for 8 weeks with 4 weeks off then 8 again, basically its like he is on all the time with small breaks in between but not enough time to recover just to give receptors a rest and start again.

  4. #4
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    Apr 2007
    sounds like a recipe for trouble unless you are trying to A) permanently damage your body and or B)get freakish-big for some type of competition where the other guys don't mind option A...

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    yeah i like to drop everything for 2 weeks too!
    the flux in my plasma levels which increases the sides drastically is AWSOME kuz zits and mood swings are cool now days!

  6. #6
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by iggyh28
    I want to try something a friend recommended wich to me made some sense because I feel that after 6 weeks my gains slow down considerably but I think I want to add another compound like tren -a in the beginning to make it a little more meaty sort of speak. I got 2 300mg test-e 10cc vials, 2 300mg equipois 10cc vials and 2 50mg winstrol 20cc vials and im currently running 4iu's a day of HGH and will do the same for the next four months. So here is his recommendations: 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off then 6 weeks on its sort of a 14 week cycle with a break in between and run HCG in those two weeks to clean receptors. But I need to put it all together maybe something like this:

    weeks 1-6 test-e 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 1-6 equipois 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 1-6 tren-ace 150mg/eod
    weeks 7-8 HCG
    weeks 9-14 test-e 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 9-14 equipois 500mg/w split in two shots
    weeks 9-14 winstrol 50mg/ed
    weeks 14-18 pct arimadex, nolvadex and hcg
    arimadex will be taken at .25-.50 ed through out cycle

    Please tell me if you see something wrong or if you think I should change something

    My stats are:
    cycle history, 2 cyles, highest doses test-e @ 750/w, tren @ 525/w, winstrol @ 35mg/d, deca @ 300mg/w and provirone @ 50mg/d

    age 25
    10% bf
    I'm not going to bash it. All I'm saying is everyone is different. Personally, I think if you're an experienced users you're not going to grow like someone who's just getting into this thing. Also, if you've been cycling the same way for years with little to no progression then you are living the definition of insanity, my friend, doing the same thing and expecting different results, or no results period.

    IMHO, you're not advanced enough with you're cycling to start to think outside the box. I like the more traditional methods of cycling, but I'm still growing. The minuite I stop and I've tried everything I can diet and training wise, then I'll look to a new method.

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