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Thread: My cycle and getting out of breath

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    My cycle and getting out of breath

    Help Brothers !!!!

    I just started week 4 of my cycle

    1-4 dbol 30mg ed
    1-10 Test Cyp 500mg\wk
    1-10 Deca 400 mg\wk
    5mg ed\novaldex

    up about 12 pounds in the last few weeks.

    I am getting out of breath at the gym and even if I climb a flight of stairs. Oddly enough the same thing happend to me a while back when I was on ONLY creatine.

    I thought the Nova was supposed to help prevent this.
    Should I drop the Dbol?

    I do not have liquidex on hand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Bro I breath like a ran a wind sprint after doing a set when on a heavy cycle or dbol. Strange thing is I am fine with doing cardio. I think it has a lot to do with bp and of course quickly adding 12 lbs is hard for the body to adjust.

  3. #3
    i think rickson got it,its the extra weight ,your body will eventually get used to carrying it,but for now its like carrying a car battery around all day on your back

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