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  1. #1
    Lejes's Avatar
    Lejes is offline Junior Member
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    a'dex as stand-alone

    Just out of curiosity, what if your goals were to just get a light boost in testosterone and a decrease of estrogen ...

    What would happen if you just took a'dex as a standalone for a couple months and then stopped? Would your estrogen levels sky rocket rebound, would your test levels drop significantly as a response to the e increase (if any?) ... Has anyone tried just taking an ancilliary by itself? How about taking letro or aromasin by them selves for the same purpose?

  2. #2
    odix's Avatar
    odix is offline Member
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    taking letro by itself would not be beneficial, arimidex is your best bet but I don't think the ratio differentials is substantial enough to affect the outcome of the hpta and build muscle...could be wrong.

  3. #3
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Just taper off the adex to avoid the rebound.. Keep an eye on bp and cholesterol. A lot of people do it as a bridge between cycles, it's help will be minor, but it will help.

  4. #4
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    There are a few who have done it with success.

    Any of them would work, but the goal is to avoid other sides as well. Letro tends to be difficult to control, and I think Arimidex can still have some influence on your lipids if estro goes too low. I would say Aromasin would be your best bet for this purpose.

    Like Skipp said though, keep an eye on lipids...

  5. #5
    Lejes's Avatar
    Lejes is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Skipp, if people do it as a bridge - then they must be doing it during a cycle and PCT. That means they would be using these AI's year round. What, other than blood pressure and cholesterol would be something to look out for?

    Has anyone heard anything about these ancillary compounds, specifically arimidex , causing more menacing problems when used long term? Or read of any personal accounts?

  6. #6
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Lejes
    Hey Skipp, if people do it as a bridge - then they must be doing it during a cycle and PCT. That means they would be using these AI's year round. What, other than blood pressure and cholesterol would be something to look out for?

    Has anyone heard anything about these ancillary compounds, specifically arimidex, causing more menacing problems when used long term? Or read of any personal accounts?
    You may want to start researching long term studies of AI use on women with breast cancer...may find some info in there.

    Good question though...

  7. #7
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Adex is powerful, as we know. YOu have to monitor your blood levels if using it as a stand alone. You do not want to lower your E level too much - it can be detrimental.

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