A month removed here from a horrible, horrible crippling experience with china test prop in which the towel was chucked in after 3 days (by the way shout out to that c*cksucker, me and the 2 other fellas on that order send our love)

Anywho, took a month off since, regrouped, subbed in Testopin. 4th cycle, going with 125mg of prop ED, 75mg of mex vet winny, and 75mg of leftover yellowman anavar . I've been fighting a losing battle against a fever. I'm in week 3 of the cycle, havent weighed in but gains are noticeable, I'm logging exercises and making great progress, etc. But everyday around 3-4PM I hit a god damn wall and I become feverish, chills, extreme fatigue, etc. I wake up once a damn night fairly damp from night sweats and basically feel like complete shit from the time I clock out of the gym until the time I fall sleep.

I'm pinning this on the oil. The site pain is about a 7 on a scale of 1 to China. I'm contemplating either cutting back to EOD shots at 250mg or going on a 1:1 ratio of prop and cottonseed oil. Does anyone have any feedback, experiences with the effectiveness of cottonseed oil in dampening harsh sides? Do any of these options provide hope that I can shake off the feverish health?