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  1. #1
    meadexxl is offline New Member
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    dbol, winny, and im fat

    Hey guys, i am new to all this and need some serious help. i have read alot here and now think i screwed up.

    I am 27
    210 lbs
    3 years hard training but this last year not so hard. I bet i am 20+% bf.

    Here are my questions.
    1. I read in another thread that it is really bad to do AAS with high bf% but they didnt state why. SO WHY?

    2. I am 3 days in to a oral cycle with out test (yes i no it is stupid) 40mg of winny ed and 20mg of dbol ed. So should i stop or is it to late due to high BF%

  2. #2
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    yeah you would be good to stop.

    HIGH BF during a cycle can cause MANY problems. Estrogen problems, blood pressure problems, etc

    Using no Test is a gamble, some people have problems some dont

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    the answer you will get is quit now. I know the norm is to run test with everything but if you are serious about diet and getting trim drop the dbol , stick with the winny for 6 weeks and protect your liver and joints.

  4. #4
    meadexxl is offline New Member
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    Add Test

    would everyones answer still be quit now, even if i added test?

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Test would still add to your problems if your BF is high since Test can convert to estrogen

  6. #6
    meadexxl is offline New Member
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    would i be wrong in saying that with winny you dont have to worry about it converting to estrogen?

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes stop, not only is your body fat too high and youre doing a terrible cycle, but you sound like you have no understanding of how to properly cycle, do PCT, use ancillaries, etc...research first and work on your diet in the mean time..its amazing what improving your diet will do

  8. #8
    meadexxl is offline New Member
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    So do i need to do any pct in this stage of the game or can i stop with no pct

  9. #9
    meadexxl is offline New Member
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    Well i hate what im hearing because i feel harder already, i mean it may be all mental this early on, but i feel good!!!!

  10. #10
    juju's Avatar
    juju is offline Associate Member
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    Its only been 3 days, no need for PCT if you stop now.

  11. #11
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    i know it's hard to hear this right now and how strong the temptation to take roids can be. it's good that you are showing enthusiasm for taking positive steps in the right direction to help your body, and you can take roids in the near future, there are just a couple of things you need to consider.

    do you have an anti-estrogen? or anything for pct? cause if you don't you're gonna get bitch tits and things will be worse than when you started. besides if you are prone to male pattern baldness you could start losing your hair esp on winny.

    you are 3 days into an oral only cycle which will be out of your system in 48 hours. you need to stop now. i repeat, stop taking the pills.

    first you need to get your diet in check. if you eat poorly on the roids, test and dbol especially you are gonna just get fatter with muscle under the fat. i've seen fat people get big.. literally big - they just get fatter and fatter on roids.

    also being overweight is gonna put extra stress on your heart, which is the last thing you want on steroids .

    your first step to take is to get some of that weight off. your new diet is: protein shakes, oatmeal, tuna, steak, granola cereal. nothing processed, nothing fattening. do not eat one thing that is fattening or bad for you (no sweets, no fastfood, no nothing).

    run on the treadmill a shitload. put on some headphones (something to get you really pumped up.. i like listening to eminem, 50 cent and other rap music but whatever floats your boat man) and run on that bitch for as long as you can until you are physically exhausted. when you are so tired you can't run any more walk, just keep moving. you need to burn calories. learn to appreciate the 'runners high' it is a fantastic feeling when you get used to it, it's stronger than many drugs. it makes you happy and releases endorphines in your brain which actually makes you happy.

    this may be difficult at first. it will get easier i promise. everytime you feel like giving up think about how much better your body will look, all the confidence you're gonna have and all the girls youre gonna get when this all pays off.

    if you follow these directions to a t i guarantee the weight will literally melt off.

    set a target weight, for you i'd say 190, work out in the gym this whole time easing your way up into a solid work out, and when you hit 190 you can start a test cycle.

    feel free to pm me i can give you more specifics on cycles and anwser any questions if you have them.

    it's gonna take some work, but i hope you decide to do it man.

    my 2 cents.
    Last edited by gooer; 05-22-2007 at 09:03 PM.

  12. #12
    Slaiv is offline Banned
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    If your BF is higher than 20% dont do the cycle

    i sadly did my cycle at 23-26%BF im doing Test E 500mg/week

    my BF is covering up my muscles, its there, i can feel it when i squeeze deep enough through my BF, but it doesnt show

    im on week 6, got 5 more weeks to go, im jus gonna finish the cycle and just keep eating right an excerising

    if someone woulda told me you will see little no almost no results of ANY AAS with 23% or more BF i woulda never started my cycle

    but hey! this is a learning experience, i elarned on my own now, so now for future cycles (if any that is) i know not to do one until my BF is lowered

    im on a STRICT diet now, hoping maybe i can shed alot of BF so get some sort of results from my Test E cycle

    but yea you should stop and work out, trust me, u wont lose BF from just taking AAS alone, thats prob. like just a small percentage of gettin your body in shape

    correct me if im wrong anyone but maybe this could shed a bit of light into the matter into gettin in shape

    AAS 20%
    Good Workout Routine 25%
    Good Diet 55%

    see how important a good diet is?

  13. #13
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    try using clen with a good strict diet you will shed the pounds you need in no time.

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