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Thread: Nolvadex Help Please!!

  1. #1

    Nolvadex Help Please!!

    None of the educational threads seemed to answer my question so I'll try it here.

    If you have Nolva on hand why not just take it? Why wait until symtoms of Gyno surface until you use it? I read that Nolva supresses the anabolic effect of some AS's but only when using Growth Hormone which I am not. I am worried about Gyno because I do have a little residual Gyno from when I was a teenager. However, I don't want to deminish my gains if I don't have to. Also, if Nolva also keeps the bloat down isn't that even more of a reason to just incorperate it into every cycle. I know that Nolva does nothing for Decca Gyno so I guess this question only pertains to the Sus and other AS's.

    At these doses should I even be concerned?

    400mg Decca/wk
    500mg Sus/wk
    Winny eod weeks 9-13
    Clomid post cycle
    Last edited by Dog29; 08-15-2002 at 07:44 PM.

  2. #2
    nice looking cycle bro
    the reason you only take it when symptoms appear is it will knock out the gyno,not prevent it,use amidex or luquidex to combat estrogen and water gain
    nov will hinder gains on juice not just gh

  3. #3
    That makes sense. Thank you.

    This may be a elementary question but is arimedex and/or liquidex available over the counter? I'm not to familiar with either of those products.

  4. #4

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