just wondering if arimidex cuts into gains like proviron and nolvadex do...i know there all anti's but arimidex works a little differently so i wanted to know if it cuts into gains...thanks fellas
just wondering if arimidex cuts into gains like proviron and nolvadex do...i know there all anti's but arimidex works a little differently so i wanted to know if it cuts into gains...thanks fellas
From what I've heard on EF from Huck and others it doesn't.
I'll try to look for the post and paste it on here for you.
Posted by Ryker:
l-dex does not rid your body of estrogen. It only helps to stop the conversion of androgen into estradiol. Estradiol would then bind to the estrogen receptor and increase the level of estorgen.
I'll say it again L-dex does NOT rid your body of estrogen. Do a search with my user name and you'll find the blood work to back this up.
Posted by Huck:
Ryker hit the nail on the head.It will not ELIMINATE E,it will only SUPPRESS T conversion to E by blocking of aromitase.SOME E is necessary,and even HEALTHY,it's the overload/spillover we're looking to negate as that is what's responsible for cosmetic abnormalities,and arimidex/liquidex takes care of that just fine in most users.You DO NOT want to eliminate all E from the system,that would be disastrous.Suppression should be the goal.
Hope that helps.
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