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Thread: Letro sides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Letro sides

    i have read up and heard of the 9 pages of sides of taking letro... and yes i know everyones body is different i am anxious to know when these sides start to occur how far into taking it? hopefully im one of those who only has minor sides but im jus wondering when i should be expecting these sides to start showing ... any former or current bytch tit letro customers feel free so post some imput thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South West UK
    ***ending on the does letro can make you extremely tired, at one point when I was taking 2.5mg ED I was having to snooze at 4pm ish for a while.
    I take it later in the day now, closer to bed time.

    I think it's the low oestrogen levels which can cause extreme tirdness.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    absolutly izzle i take mine right before hittin the sack fawkk that i aint tryna sleep my day away... any ways, i started at .5 1 1.5 tonight id like to bump to 2.5 cuz i am so anxious to get rid this gyno, got a nasty chest work out in today and my banana tit makes me feel like i did nada.... u know what im sayin so is it bad to jump like that??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    letro made my joints hurt...will not take it again if I don't have too

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