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  1. #1
    amature225 is offline Associate Member
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    Switch from Tren A to E (mid-cycle)

    The main reason for using Tren A over Tren E seems to be to make sure the sides don't get too bad (and if they do get bad, Tren A will clear your system pretty fast).. I just finished week 3 of 9 weeks 50mg Tren A ED and 500mg Test EW. HOWEVER, the daily injections are killing me (and the Tren A I have has a lot of BA in it, so makes the inj sites sore for 3 days after inj).

    SO, is it a problem to transition to Tren E exactly halfway through this cycle? If so, please let me know why, and if not, how should I make the transition (in hopes of keeping the Tren Levels constant).

    Switching will relieve the daily injections, AND since I can switch to the Tren E it probably won't have as much alcohol in it and won't cause the inj sites to get as sore.

    any info would help.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    IMHO, switching from a short ester to a long one is never advisable in the middle of a cycle. In fact, people do the opposite. Besides, 6 wks of Tren A is quite a good length as it is... the general recommendation is not any more than 8 weeks..otherwise the sides get too strong and your system gets shut down too hard

  3. #3
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah just wait to do tren e for your next cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    what about tren e can you run it more than 8 weeks. im doing 6 weeks of tren e and my boy has been on it for 10 weeks. wondering if he should stop.

  5. #5
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    I wouldnt go any more than 12..

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Do it, there are no issuse w/ swapping esters, especially if it will benefit ones administration/utilization regiment.

    just frontload and keep on trucking.. i.e. u say ur on week 3?
    keep running tren A EoD at the dose ur running now then taper off (in detail later in this post)...

    Frontload the trenE, say ur doing 350mg/TrenA/wk, well thats about the same as 400mg/trenE/wk due to the size of the ester taking up molecular space from the raw hormone its self.

    So for your first shot of trenE i say administer anywhere from 400-600mg then go back to 200mg/E3.5Days.

    also i would taper off the trenA dosage i.e. do 100mgEoD for first 4 days then drop it to like mg EoD for next 4 days then call it quites as the trenE should of stacked on its self and be at its peak levels.

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