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Thread: testosterone undecanote, Andriol or Testoviron depot ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    testosterone undecanote, Andriol or Testoviron depot ?

    I've been doing research about best suitable supplements for athletes who get tested. My results indicate testosterone undecanote (andriol and testoviron depot) is clear of your system in 1 week. Andriol is an oral but Testoviron depot (enanthate) is an injectable would they both still have a 1 week clearance. Also test propionate (testovit) is said to have a detection period of 2 weeks. My research shows Testovit is oil based therfore i am sceptical of it's clearance time. I have been led to believe water based steroids are the quickest to clear?

    Am i on the right track?
    Is my current research correct?
    Can anyone offer advice?
    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i doubt testo viron is 1 week, enanthate in geneal is a 3 week ester...(or so i thought), so that means after injection at least 3 weeks before the stuff is no longer active, then whatever the testing time for unbound test is (they might even test for enanthate ester or metabolites of it)and water based usually are active the quickest, but their metabolites might remain for a while...not positive though...bump for anyone else who might be 'positive'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    You're way off if you're worried about getting tested enanthate is detectable for 3 months.

    Check the AR detection time list.

    Last edited by xxxl83; 08-16-2002 at 01:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Not sure where you got that number but don' listen to whoever gave it to you. Three months is much more realistic.

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