Ok. I don't have access to Arimidex or Liquidex for my cycle. Atleast not at the moment. What else can I do to keep the bloat down? How soon after the cycle ends will I release the water? I'm really looking for that lean hard look so water retention doesn't seem apealing to me. I know I probably should have chosen EQ instead of Decca but it's too late now and I have to deal with what I have.
Need lots of help here -- starting my cycle on Monday.
400mg Decca/Wk
500mg Sus/Wk
Winny Weeks 8-13
Clomid and Nolva on hand.(Dont want to take the Nolva if I don't have to but if it's gonna reduce the bloat without hindering the effect of the AS's then so be it)
Stats: 5'10 185 10%BF
3rd AS cycle