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Thread: sorry, but another dbol question

  1. #1

    sorry, but another dbol question

    hey guys, im a first timer and using steroids. and despite what alot of people said i went ahead with a dbol only cycle. If not for anything but to just ease my way into the whole scene, and prepeare me of a decent cycle.
    im 5.8, 170lbs, 19 years of age. im taking the russian dbol at 25mg a day. After the cycle i will be using the clomind and maybe some nolv, if i need it during. the question is iv been taking the dbol for a week now, should i be feeling anything? as i dont. i know many people think ill loose my gains, but surely ill get some gains whilst of theis dosage, or is it to low of a dosage? im running the cycle for 6 weeks. what do u think guys? will i get any gains during, if so when . im training harder then ever and getting good!
    thanks raymond.
    (been training for 3 years)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Reno, Nv
    you need to put the d-bol away and wait untill you can do a real cycle. You will lose all or most of you weight and gains. I would recommend sustanon to stack with it for a first cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    d-bol is a pretty toxic drug to start with. I can't talk as my first cycle was d-bol only. It takes 2-3 weeks before you feel anything, then one day your weights will start going up at the gym. Give it some time, take the clomid 8 hours after last pill, and good luck. Read up on this site. It is very informative with a lot of people willing to help you, but beware, it is also very addictive!

  4. #4
    what kind of gains did u make bro and what did you keep? dosage?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    6ft. away...but you can't
    I also did a dbol only cycle for my first cycle and gained 25lbs and when I came off I kept 20lbs of it. It is not impossable to keep your gains it is just not as common. I would up the dosage to 35mgs ED at least. Everyone is different, but I think 25mgs will probably not do much. You should start to see gains probably in a couple of weeks. Russians are a good choice too, they are the best IMO.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I think you will start to see a big weight increase soon. I think a bump up in dosage would help. Be careful hurting any joints or tendons with the large strength increase. Take time now an plan out your recovery diet, lifting routines, and rest. It will be crucial to keeping gains. Good Luck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Orlando, Florida
    king, i'm thinking about doing a dbol only cycle aswell in the near future. how exactly did you take it; how much, how often, for how long, etc...? what did you take/eat or do post cycle to retain your gains? thanks in advance

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i would just stop teh cycle all together. you will gain nothing at all. when i was in high school i saw a lot of foot ball players use dbol only cycles and blow up like a ballon then pop

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by raymondj19
    hey guys, im a first timer and using steroids. and despite what alot of people said i went ahead with a dbol only cycle. If not for anything but to just ease my way into the whole scene, and prepeare me of a decent cycle.
    im 5.8, 170lbs, 19 years of age. im taking the russian dbol at 25mg a day. After the cycle i will be using the clomind and maybe some nolv, if i need it during. the question is iv been taking the dbol for a week now, should i be feeling anything? as i dont. i know many people think ill loose my gains, but surely ill get some gains whilst of theis dosage, or is it to low of a dosage? im running the cycle for 6 weeks. what do u think guys? will i get any gains during, if so when . im training harder then ever and getting good!
    thanks raymond.
    (been training for 3 years)
    Why are you doing roids at that young of an age? You don't have proper PCT planned out...or cycle planned out. You can seriously hurt yourself by doing something like this. Search up beginer cycles, and find out what you should be doing.

    At 19 your test levels would be super high, you should be able to gain ALOT naturally. How far along are you into the cycle? There may still be time to stop without having to do PCT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by raymondj19
    hey guys, im a first timer and using steroids. and despite what alot of people said i went ahead with a dbol only cycle. If not for anything but to just ease my way into the whole scene, and prepeare me of a decent 5.8, 170lbs, 19 years of age. im taking the russian dbol at 25mg a day. After the cycle i will be using the clomind and maybe some nolv, if i need it during. the question is iv been taking the dbol for a week now, should i be feeling anything? as i dont. i know many people think ill loose my gains, but surely ill get some gains whilst of theis dosage, or is it to low of a dosage? im running the cycle for 6 weeks. what do u think guys? will i get any gains during, if so when . im training harder then ever and getting good!
    thanks raymond.
    (been training for 3 years)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    why did you run dbol only you should of added some test
    alot more gains
    i love test i love having sex on test

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