This question was posted in the 'over-30' forum but it has been recommended to me by NoLimits that I also post it here =
This is my first question and I hope it's not a goofy one but;
I'm on my first cycle in 12yrs (you can read more about this under my post titled, "35yrs old and starting over again" in the 'over-30' section)
I'm 5'11" and only weigh 150lbs.
Obviously, I have no bodyfat. Guys at the gym have started to call me
'the incredible inside-out man' for the last week or two....
I started a cycle of Thai Anabol and Andriol about 1month ago.
The Andriol I just started last week to solidify the gains from the pinkies.
Anyway, I've been reading hundreds and hundreds of posts and I have a question about d-bol symptoms that I can't find an answer to;
I've been gaining about 2-3 lbs a week but I've felt nothing from the
d-bol. What I mean is, I've been taking a small dose of 15mg (3tabs)
daily, which should be good for a guy my weight, but I haven't been extra 'horny', I haven't become very much stronger, I haven't noticed an ounce of water-weight, I don't feel 'pumped' all day, I don't feel 'a sense of overall well-being' and as a matter of fact; the d-bol totally kills my appetite. I have to force myself to eat!
My question is; for my next cycle in a couple months, should I double the amount of d-bol to 30mg? Maybe my 'fast system' just burns-it-up?
Besides 'pot', is there anything else that might help my loss of appetite?