34 currently on TRT at 125mgs pw.
Figuring on running the following cycle:
750mgsTest weeks 1-10
400mgsMasteron weeks 1-10
75mgsTrenAce ed weeks 1-8
40mgsDBol weeks 1-4
50mgs Proviron weeks 1-10
This is the first time running Test over 500mgs. I've been on TRT for about 4 months so I'm thinking I might need a higher dose of Test.
One question I have is estrogen. Is the masteron and the proviron enough to keep estrogen low and water off me. Should I bump the Masteron to 600mgs (I have no problem doing this).
Pretty excited about this upcoming cycle.
1st 4 weeks I'm going to eat everything I see and seriouslly try to pack on some mass. Last 6 I'm looking for lean muscle/strength and a little fat loss.