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  1. #1
    lastrep1 is offline Banned
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    Holy Sh@t, I have exploded!!

    What is going on, is this normal, first cycle ever of test-e/t-bol, I'm on week 5, I LOVE THIS STUFF, i'm up 20lbs, not a typo, is this normal, i'm 29 and been lifting my whole life natty, up until now, I feel like i wasted so much time, not doing juice sooner--unreal how much muscle this stuff puts on you, and i feel awsome , woodies all day long----strenth is supernatural--i just cant say enough---wow!!!

  2. #2
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    yeah it's great stuff but not all that 20 pounds is muscle,a lot of it is water...repped

  3. #3
    lastrep1 is offline Banned
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    ya I'm sure a lot of its water but man it looks good to see your arms fill up like balloons.will i stop gaining soon or do you think i could add another 10 lbs in the next 5 weeks!! diet is in CHECK

  4. #4
    SneakyMofo is offline Banned
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    if you eat enough u can probably gain another 10lbs, at one point on my first cycle i went from 190-217...but about 10 was probably fat cuz i cut for the last few weeks and ended it 208 and slightly leaner thani started.

    i also gained 20lbs in the first 4 weeks, on dbol running an AI so minimal water retention

  5. #5
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    What is going on, is this normal, first cycle ever of test-e/t-bol, I'm on week 5, I LOVE THIS STUFF, i'm up 20lbs, not a typo, is this normal, i'm 29 and been lifting my whole life natty, up until now, I feel like i wasted so much time, not doing juice sooner--unreal how much muscle this stuff puts on you, and i feel awsome , woodies all day long----strenth is supernatural--i just cant say enough---wow!!!


    I ran a tbol only cycle and easily gained 23lbs within the first 5 weeks and it was not water retention.... at week 6 - 10 I added test prop @ 500mg/wk and added another 12 lbs.... thats right I gained 35lbs in 10 weeks... tbol is the shit and my strength shot up like a mofo.... happy lifting.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    sounds good man. dont think of it as a waste of time if you would have started to soon u may not have gain so much weight. u can probably get 10 more pounds. make sure u kept that deit in check when your done with the cycle and that u have a good pct so u can kept most of those gains. good luck though it sounds like you dont need it

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    have you started getting the "looks" from people?...Lol....

  8. #8
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Im going to be running this same cycle in august. Its my first time trying tbol. Im glad to hear this, im pumped to start my cycle now.

  9. #9
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    I hit a 30 lbs gain on my first cycle, something like yours. Its mostly water, however with good eating and gym routines, if you keep around 10 pds of muscle after the cycle youve done good. Shed all that water after and 10 pds on muscle shows a lot. Dont forget proper PCT - nolva, ldex, maybe aromasin or hcg - but be careful and do PCT right - you'll keep a lot!


    EDIT - you made the RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT choice waiting to take the AAS!! Your body is better prepared for the strength gains! TAKE NOTE ALL YOU YOUNGINS out there who want to start early!!! 25 and older (like thatll happen LOL) with a couple years of real lifting behind you!
    Last edited by Drummerboy; 05-28-2007 at 10:39 AM.

  10. #10
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Keep in mind though everyone is differnet. I kept 22lbs my first cycle.

  11. #11
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    source check [email protected]
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    got before after pic?

  12. #12
    skank's Avatar
    skank is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    What is going on, is this normal, first cycle ever of test-e/t-bol, I'm on week 5, I LOVE THIS STUFF, i'm up 20lbs, not a typo, is this normal, i'm 29 and been lifting my whole life natty, up until now, I feel like i wasted so much time, not doing juice sooner--unreal how much muscle this stuff puts on you, and i feel awsome , woodies all day long----strenth is supernatural--i just cant say enough---wow!!!
    Good to see this is working well for you after years natural. What doses are you taking of the test E? And did you front load?

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I'm glad your happy with your results. But alot of it is water. Are you taking any type of anti-e or anything for water retention?

  14. #14
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    i gain 18lbs first cycle and kept 15. was only 300mg test c a week for 8 weeks. but i was one of those idiots that started to soon, didnt have a info then i have now. i havnt tried tbol either but i am thinking next cycle as well.

  15. #15
    liquid2198 is offline Junior Member
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    are you on any anti e?? tbol is the shit, i love it! test is obviously great too!!

  16. #16
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
    ***xxx*** is offline Anabolic Member
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    keep an eye on your blood pressure - at least 10 of those 20 lb are water and this is really bad for ur heart.

  17. #17
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ***xxx***
    keep an eye on your blood pressure - at least 10 of those 20 lb are water and this is really bad for ur heart.
    I second this^^ Dont forget about your health.

  18. #18
    Chins is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by reppedout1
    yeah it's great stuff but not all that 20 pounds is muscle,a lot of it is water...repped

    LOL!!! HATER

  19. #19
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Yeh, the gains on the first cycle are great. It must be exciting. You should post a pic I'd be curious to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    What is going on, is this normal, first cycle ever of test-e/t-bol, I'm on week 5, I LOVE THIS STUFF, i'm up 20lbs, not a typo, is this normal, i'm 29 and been lifting my whole life natty, up until now, I feel like i wasted so much time, not doing juice sooner--unreal how much muscle this stuff puts on you, and i feel awsome , woodies all day long----strenth is supernatural--i just cant say enough---wow!!!

  20. #20
    lastrep1 is offline Banned
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    The dosage has been 500 of test a week (two shots 250), and 50mg t-bol daily, finally 3 squirts of a-dex, daily-I will post a before and after pics when i'm done, its weard to see your muscles enlarge so quickly when it took years just to gain 1 inch on my arms, 5 weeks ago my guns were 17.5" and now there 18.5", strange but I love it!!! ps-people are giving me the your on juice look!!haha

  21. #21
    reppedout1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    The dosage has been 500 of test a week (two shots 250), and 50mg t-bol daily, finally 3 squirts of a-dex, daily-I will post a before and after pics when i'm done, its weard to see your muscles enlarge so quickly when it took years just to gain 1 inch on my arms, 5 weeks ago my guns were 17.5" and now there 18.5", strange but I love it!!! ps-people are giving me the your on juice look!!haha
    good gains bro!!gotta love those "on"looks!!..repped

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