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Thread: Comparing Hairloss Shampoos

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Comparing Hairloss Shampoos

    I know similar questions have been asked, but bear with me, I would like to know the difference between products.
    While running EQ and Winny, which works better for hairloss, Nizoral 2% or Rogain shampoo? Or if there is a better OTC let me know. Do they both block DHT?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Nizoral - I use the over the counter 1% in the United States, I think 2% is over the counter in Canada.

    Drug Type Antiandrogen, Imidazole Antimycotic Antifungal
    Availability OTC in 1% formula, Prescription 2% formula (OTC in most other countries)
    Notes This is an antifungal shampoo primarily for the treatment of seborrhatic dermatitis. The active ingredient Ketoconazole has some antiandrogenic effects, but it is unknown whether the amount in the shampoo is absorbed. If it helps with hair loss it may work in a way other than as an antiandrogen. It is definitely a good shampoo for making hair look thicker.
    Claimed Results None.
    Observed Results Some prevention of loss, possible mild regrowth.
    Clinical Results Similar to topical Minoxidil/Rogaine.
    Testing Well tested (FDA approved).
    Safety/Side Effects Possible mild irritation.
    Gender Either.
    Typical Cost $12-30
    OTC formula available in most grocery/drug stores

    Hair Loss Study Abstract: Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.

    Pierard-Franchimont C. De Doncker P. Cauwenbergh G. Pierard GE.
    Department of Dermatopathology, University of Liege, Belgium.
    Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia.
    Dermatology. 196(4):474-7, 1998.
    BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. METHOD: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. RESULTS: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. CONCLUSION: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects.

    Lots of info at this site:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Nizoral, of course......but you shouldn't use it every day. Go with Nioxin (and the scalp treatment that is a companion product) ever other day. Good salons carry it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    How often do you recommend using Nizoral?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    I use the 1% 3-4 times a week. It seems very mild, meaning I never have any scalp irritation from using it. It seems more mild than any other dandruff shampoo I have ever used and it is supposed to benefit in the reduction of hair loss so it is a win win.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The 2% is only supposed to be used 2 times weekly, but EOD with Nioxin seems fine....been doing it for years.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    No, no, no! Check-out Nioxin! This is the shit! It's all natural and designed by a cancer doctor in Atlanta, GA. for patients going through chemo treatments. I was getting a 'jewish-cap' around the back of my head and I started using this about 2yrs ago. Not only did it stop the hairloss, but now it has regrown! I'm not saying it will work miracles but definitely worth looking into!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Great! I post an answer and get my facts wrong.....Sorry! It wasn't designed by a cancer doc but still great stuff. I recommend it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Nioxin is considered a non-drug altrenative that is herbal, botanical, with amino acids. I would like to see independent long term studies since it has been out since 87. I think if there was an all natural way to stop hair loss it would be proven to work. People pre disposed to hairloss genetically have a chemical process going on that shrinks the folicle until it dies. Nioxin's claim is that it clears up build up of junk on your scalp. People suffering from genetic hair loss will not be helped by this method (my opinion). The only proven methods for stopping genetic induced hair loss (sensitivity to DHT) is through medicinal products such as finestride (proscar/propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine). There have been studies on Nizoral that show it's impact on hairloss to be equivalent to Rogain but then again nizoral's active ingredient is a drug.

    I hope soon that Dutasteride will be out since it is approved by the FDA and looks much better than Proscar/Propecia or minoxidil.

    Good Luck.

    What ever works for you is the best. Don't spend too much money trying out non-proven methods. Kind of reminds me of the Andro vs. Steroid arguments we hear all the time. The drug works, and most people think the supplement companies are stealing money and claiming results.

    People with hair loss from stress or cancer, not genetic reasons will regrow hair when the stress disipates or radiation treatments end.
    Last edited by scottp999; 08-17-2002 at 07:30 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Thanks everyone for the help. It seems Nizoral is the winner with a little nioxin on the side.

    I would always rather make the mistake of buying usless hair crap than buying awful looking hair plugs later(IMO).

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