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Thread: Thinking about trying this??

  1. #1
    chinups Guest

    Question Thinking about trying this??

    I want to get ripped. I have never done cycle before and I was looking at this. I am 172 lbs right now, I am wondering if this will lean me out too much. Also I would take something for liver. And, if I stayed below 40 mg with the var would I still need something like clomid after. O yea someone said to add winny at the end but I don't like winny and from what I have heard....

    ECA week 1+2, 5+6,9+10,13+14
    week 3+4,7+8,11+12 - Clen
    week 1-10 20-40mg of Anavar
    Creatine & Glutamine all the way through

    I have never done cycle and wanna just add strength and be low BF%.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I would still do clomid. Anavar suppresses your HPTA pretty dramatically when you get over 20mg a day. You didn't give us your age or height or how long you have been working out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    LR AR
    How do you know you don't like winny if you've never done a cycle?


  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    24yrs old/172-175lbs/5'8. I have been trying since I am 17.

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    Thats the problem, I would love winny. I know I would see good results but don't think I need that yet.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    Noone on today. BUMP this puppy for me. Need some BIG dogs to respond.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Not sure what you want us to say. Sounds like you have chosen your cycle and have your reasons. I think there are better cycles out there but if that is the one you want to do I think you can be successful at cutting the BF and adding some strength.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Originally posted by chinups
    Noone on today. BUMP this puppy for me. Need some BIG dogs to respond.....

    as far as im concerned. rickson is one of the big dogs bro.....his advice is solid, as usual.
    nothing for me to add to this one.....

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    chinups Guest
    thanks to all. OFF TO FIND CHEAP BTG.

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