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  1. #1
    cooldude_19_1981 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    Low dose DNP question.

    i found this study where they said that deaths are linked to DNP and blood levels of deceased were 31 and 28 mg/l. We have around 5.6 litres of blood in the human body and the DNP levels come up to 202.16mg and 156.8mg. This level can be acheived with couple of 200mg dosages. The question is can DNP be fatal at such low dosages and the blood still does not have stable levels beause on many forums i have read that at 200mg you barely feel sides. The reasons of death were not given but someone with more knowledge comment on this.

    Two deaths attributed to the use of 2,4-dinitrophenol.

    We report the cases of two individuals, one in Tacoma, WA, and the second in San Diego, CA, whose deaths were attributed to ingestion of 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP). 2,4-DNP has historically been used as a herbicide and fungicide. By uncoupling mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, the drug causes a marked increase in fat metabolism that has led to its use to aid weight loss. Both cases reported here involved its use for this purpose. Features common to both cases included markedly elevated body temperature, rapid pulse and respiration, yellow coloring of the viscera at autopsy, history of use of weight loss or body building supplements, and presence of a yellow powder at the decedent's residence. Because of its acidic nature, the drug is not detected in the basic drug fraction of most analytical protocols, but it is recovered in the acid/neutral fraction of biological extracts and can be measured by high-performance liquid chromatography or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of 2,4-DNP in the admission blood samples of the two deaths reported here were 36.1 and 28 mg/L, respectively. Death in both cases was attributed to 2,4-DNP toxicity. Review of information available on the internet suggests that, although banned, 2,4-DNP is still illicitly promoted for weight loss.

  2. #2
    Adam F's Avatar
    Adam F is offline Associate Member
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    I can never understand why people gamble with DNP . My best friend died from it 300/MG ED . The only way to loose weight is through proper diet and excersise.

  3. #3
    SHAGGY is offline Member
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam F
    I can never understand why people gamble with DNP. My best friend died from it 300/MG ED . The only way to loose weight is through proper diet and excersise.

    First of all I want to say that I am sorry for what happenned to your friend, my condolences.

    I would very much like to know what exactly happened to your friend, because we read about DNP fatality's, but we never have any close encounters with it and I am really curious at what happened. Also maybe it is good for (some) people to read about a "real" case and not just the same old fragments we all have read before.

    Again if this is to personal I apologize for asking.


  4. #4
    cooldude_19_1981 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007
    It is intersting to see different dosages effecting people differently. Most don't feel anything on low dosages but then you hear people dieing at low dosages. Even low dosages taken EOD.

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