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Thread: oral pulsing!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    oral pulsing!!!

    anyone heard of pulsing im tryin it today wish me luck


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    why dont you explain

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    pulsing is a method to obtain steady mass gains and avoid pct u would use a oral 3-4 times a wk eod at a high dosage and while your not takin it your body recovers so no need for pct chec it out on anabolicminDDS

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    How to "pulse" orals

    A lot of guys have been asking me to clarify my method on this cycling technique, so here's a good explanation if you're interested in trying this. It can generally be applied to any steroidal compound.

    What is "pulse" cycling? Pulsing is a method of dosing a product designed to intentionally avoid potential long term side effects such as HPTA suppression and liver damage. This technique is usually applied as a means of toxicity control when potent corticoids are used on children requiring long term therapy. However, this method can really be applied to anyone using any oral steroid with great success and significantly reduced side effects. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This also allows for higher doses to be used since the dosing is less frequent. For example, if you would normally take a product at 30mg/day for a week, that means a total intake of 210mg/week. With pulsing, you might take 40mg on work out days only 3 times per week and that only comes out to 120mg/week total! This provides the needed benefits of the product at the most crucial times, which are just before and just after a work out, and offers a means of strongly attenuated suppression of endogenous steroid production. In other words, you can pulse a compound for 6-8 weeks usually before you realistically need to start thinking about a conventional post cycle therapy. In fact, after a 4 week pulsing cycle, PCT should not even be required in most cases!

    Basically, if you dose every day (ED) in perfectly spaced doses, you will achieve 100% effect, 100% short term side effects and 100% long term side effects. If you dose every other day (EOD) like the pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect and 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course, if you would have gained 10 pounds on a normal 1 month cycle, this means you will only gain about 6 pounds pulsing, but it also means you can do this for twice as long as a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months worth of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12 pounds over 2 months instead of 10 pounds over 1 month. This structure offers fewer sides and a milder post cycle therapy requirements (if even needed at all) plus the slower gains tend to have a better residual that is more likely to be permanent compared to faster gains. It's a great long term strategy and good for newer users too looking to run fast, clean cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later.

    There are two good approaches to it:
    1) EOD
    2) 2 days on / 2 days off

    ***ending on your workout schedule, I would use one of these two options for optimal pulsing efficiency. Doses can usually be high (like 40-50mg instead of 20-30mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm. It's not crucial you take the last dose before 6pm, but the earlier the better at avoiding shut down. Take half of the total dose pre work out and half post work out instead of spread out evenly over the whole day like a normal cycle. If an odd dose is to be used, like 30mg, take the majority pre work out (so 20mg pre/10mg post). When pulsing, dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4 times.

    Also important to remember is nutrition. Have a good, high calorie post work out meal and eat sufficient protein, especially on off days. Off days are also a good time to take a cortisol antagonist or even just low dose DHEA (25-50mg) if you are a slow healer or hard gainer especially. Although pulsing is a great way to avoid suppression, if you are extra sensitive to shut down or using a compound that will normally cause very fast shut down, an AI based test booster can be administered on off days or daily to further punctuate the hormonal "bounce back" in the quest to avoid the need for post cycle therapy post cycle. The bounce back phenomenon is an effect that is often noted when pulsing. It is not uncommon for testicular size and testosterone levels to increase above baseline on consecutive off days or after the cycle is over. This is like a built in PCT effect you may experiences after properly pulsed hormone use. As a teen, I was able to employee this method successfully for 3 years without needing a PCT, so I can say it works very well! In pulsing, it is also important to remember that the smaller number of dose exposures means faster liver clearance. Normal safety ancillaries like healthy oils and lipid supplements are advised, but be modest with liver products like milk thistle. They are generally counter productive and therefore not advised while pulsing, except with very toxic or potent compounds. Cycle safe!

    Example of a 3x/wk pulse M,W,F:

    1 (10,20,30)
    2 30
    3 30-40
    4 30-40
    5 30-50
    6 30-50
    7 30-60
    8 30-60

    Example of a 4x/wk pulse Sat,Sun & Wed,Thur:

    1 (10,20,30,30)
    2 30
    3 30-40
    4 30-40
    5 30-50
    6 30-50

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    under your bed
    very interesting. I will have to read more about this, no PCT, can you do this with injectable test prop

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    idk i think it only for oral steroids cuz they dont have long halflives like injectables but it might work with test suspension or injectable orals

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

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