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  1. #1
    DOORMAN12 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007

    New to this , sustanon and deca questions??

    Hi to all and apologies for anything stupid i may ask or say, but i was told a question is never stupid unless you ask it twice!!!!
    I have been training for a few years on and off now . Got a bit fed up of not getting gains, results of people on steroids etc. I was often lifting more weights than these said people and was a bit jealous lol

    Before starting
    Deadlift 190 kg for 5 reps
    Bench 120kg for 8 reps
    squat 200 kg 5 reps
    Bent over row100kg for 4 reps

    So a couple of weeks ago took the plunge

    sus 250 mg
    deca 100mg
    twice a week i have been advised.

    Already am lifting more and have put on 7 lbs of wot i hope is muscle.

    I am 5.10 and now 17 and half stone.

    I have been advised to follow this cycle in a 6 week on 3 week off by my advisor who i think knows his stuff.

    In the off if there is any water retention then he as said can use winstrol .

    Does this sound any good to anyone and also any tips on diet etc

    Breakfast - porridge and smoothie made from pint of milk , promax protein powder ans 2 bananas

    mid morning -- fruit and protein

    dinner - tuna sandwiches/ pitta bread hopefully

    afternoon - meal replacement drink

    tea- jacket spud cottage cheese and beans

    Due to work can only train late, about 8pm

    so about half hour before workout protein drink

    then another after training and cottage cheese (not all time open to suggestions please)

    Then before bed another protein with milk as ive been told the caseine in milk releases protein slowly .

    Sorry if ive bored anyone but i am new to eating like this so am open to any criticism etc etc etc
    Last edited by DOORMAN12; 06-03-2007 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Missed some information

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your advisor doesn't really know his stuff, 6 weeks on and 3 off is not a good idea, what is your PCT?

    Read the stickies here and do some research in the diet section on eating properly to reach your goals. You are new to all this so dont rush into things do your research first.

  3. #3
    DOORMAN12 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007
    Thanks for response, thats why im asking before i do anything, why is 6 weeks on and 3 weeks off not very good please??

  4. #4
    pyschomab's Avatar
    pyschomab is offline Associate Member
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    under your bed
    your advisor sounds not that smart! take winstrol for water retention?

    no PCT

    6 weeks on and 3 off!

    you should study the shit yourself! i would probably take more than 100mgs of deca ! did you get any nolvadex !

    doesnt sound like anything I would recommendt!

  5. #5
    pyschomab's Avatar
    pyschomab is offline Associate Member
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    under your bed
    most deca cycles are 8-12 weeks with 3 months off and you would need a PCT (post cycle therapy ) like CLOMID - HCG - NOLVA
    have you arlready started
    what are you trying to do?

  6. #6
    DOORMAN12 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007
    Not take winstrol for water retention, if there any is any water retention in me then i have been told winstrol helps get rid of it,

    Nolvadex as been mentioned but not got any, can pick it up anytime if its needed.

    Also how and when will PCT have to be incorporated,

  7. #7
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOORMAN12
    Thanks for response, thats why im asking before i do anything, why is 6 weeks on and 3 weeks off not very good please??
    Some cycles may be short others longer ***ending on the persons goals and the compounds being used. Once the cycle is over there is something called post cycle therapy (PCT) and it is used a period of time after the cycle to bring the body back to normal, you can research the PCT forum to see whats involved.

    Time off = the length of the cycle + PCT or getting blood work done to see where you stand. For you being on 6 weeks and 3 weeks off is not exceptable because you are not giving your body recovery time with out getting the blood work done to know for sure. If you were on 6 weeks you should wait at least another 6 weeks plus the time it takes for PCT as a minimum of time off.

    Your cycle is poorly planned out now and I dont think you know how to run a proper cycle with proper diet and training but you will learn if you stick around and do research, read the stickies and ask more questions after you have done some reading. There are lots of people that will help you but they wont spoon feed you so start reading man.

  8. #8
    born2build's Avatar
    born2build is offline New Member
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    deca at 200mg a week isnt gonna do much bro would be better with 400mg

  9. #9
    the big lebowski is offline Junior Member
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    maaaaan u better read up on the forums here asap

  10. #10
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    those r low doses but as its ur first time u will still make some gains if u make it a 12 week cycle and proper pct to insure u keep as much as possible,u have 10 weeks left to research and procure pct meds,having read these posts u now know more than ur advisor and are in a position to advise him

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