ive made up my mind im going with this cycle, the diet will be crum cakes diet followed to the "t". im looking to improve body compisition and tighten up a bit, i think i can gain 7-10 pounds of mass on this combo( endomorph).
eq 400 mg week 1-10
test cyp 600 mg week 1-10 ( for libido)
winny 100 mg ed 7-10 (**)
femera 2.5 eod start week early and finish 4 weeks after last inject.
training will be mixed, high-low volume ( just mixed up!) but consistent---5 days a week
cardio 3-4 times a week HIIT!!! 20-30 minutes
p.s crum cake diet is basicly a low-low carb diet with tons of protein and healthy fats