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  1. #1
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007

    t4 at the end of cycle

    since i upped my dosage of my sus I dont have enough to run a couple weeks past my deca . I didnt think that this would be a problem until my source got busted so now im screwed. I have some vetrinary grade mexican
    t4 that I never used would it work to substitute the t4 for the last month instead of the sus since it is made up of multiple kinds of test or would I be wasting my time. also I have no personal experience with the kind of aas that affects thyroid like t4 does what kind of long term sides accompany this more so than sus or deca if any.
    any help is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    If you are asking if t4 would be a good test supplement to fill the gap from the missing sustanons, the answer is no. T4 is not a steroid . It is a thyroid medicine. Don't mess with it. research it and you will see what I am talking about.

    What does your cycle look like?

  3. #3
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007
    straight to the point. thankyou I will not be adding it to my cycle.
    dbol 40mg ed. wk. 1-5
    deca 400 mg. ew wk 1-10
    sus 750mg. ew. supposed to be wk. 1-12 but now will be wk. 1-10
    I might just cut the deca a week or to short.

  4. #4
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    Sustanon has a the deca ester in it too. 100mg of it per mL. It'll be in your system a long time aswell. IMO, you should've ended the cycle with Test prop- an ester that leaves your body fast.
    Something that looks like this...
    dbol 40mg ed. wk. 1-5
    deca 400 mg. ew wk 1-10
    sus 750mg. ew. week 1-10
    test prop 100mg EOD week 10-12

    Sorry to hear about your source getting busted.

  5. #5
    SF7thGrp's Avatar
    SF7thGrp is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005
    It seems like alot of sources out there are getting busted. My source got busted also. This sucks!!!!!!

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