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  1. #1
    bubbley is offline New Member
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    Sust and Dutasteride only cycle--Need approval before starting


    My primary concern is prostate issues thus i will be adding Dutasteride, my initial plan was sust and deca , but it looks like Dutasteride and deca dont mix so im scrapping that, ill be doing half cc eod..ill probably throw in some dbol for a couple of weeks to jump start things...

    btw, ive had this sust for a while, really wanted to do test e..but cant afford at the ill use what i have on hand..

    do i need any anti-e's while on cycle? (dont think so but want opinions)

    has anyone ever done a sust only cycle?

    any input would be great

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    dosage/runtime on dbol ?
    how long u running sust? dont worry bout testE.. test is test so ur fine lol u might get an extra zit at most..
    do u have any pre'existing health issues.. i.e. prostate/liver/kidneys?
    i really doubt ur prostate is anything u need to worry bout unless ur running dht's i.e. win/mast at fairly high dose for long time.

    there are some sups out there to really help ur prostate IMMENSELY basialy the extract from sawlpallmetto.

  3. #3
    bubbley is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    dosage/runtime on dbol ?
    how long u running sust? dont worry bout testE.. test is test so ur fine lol u might get an extra zit at most..
    do u have any pre'existing health issues.. i.e. prostate/liver/kidneys?
    i really doubt ur prostate is anything u need to worry bout unless ur running dht's i.e. win/mast at fairly high dose for long time.

    there are some sups out there to really help ur prostate IMMENSELY basialy the extract from sawlpallmetto.
    Im planning about 8 weeks on sust and 2 weeks of dbol..honestly i have been really paranoid the last few days because of excessive pissing at night, this friday ill be getting a blood test (PSA included) to see how the body is doing. Also, I havent juiced for over a year now. If everything is ok, ill go ahead and start but at this point i just wanted some responses..just want a few different options i could explore...all ***ends on the bloodwork i guess

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by bubbley
    Im planning about 8 weeks on sust and 2 weeks of dbol..honestly i have been really paranoid the last few days because of excessive pissing at night, this friday ill be getting a blood test (PSA included) to see how the body is doing. Also, I havent juiced for over a year now. If everything is ok, ill go ahead and start but at this point i just wanted some responses..just want a few different options i could explore...all ***ends on the bloodwork i guess
    heh.. thats common trend w/ the pissing lol.
    i have never had any prostate issues..

  5. #5
    bubbley is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    heh.. thats common trend w/ the pissing lol.
    i have never had any prostate issues..
    lol...ya i think im juss being paranoid..hopefully the bloodwork goes well!

  6. #6
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    you need anti estrogen or you're gonna lose all your gains after your cycle and maybe get sides.

    i don't know what you were planning but you should probably run the sust for 12 weeks. dbol for 4 weeks. you'll put on a lot of weight with that cycle.

    dutasteride needs to be run at least .5 to be effective for prostate related issues. also duta can increase the chances of gyno (bitch tits) from test. so i'd recommend arimidex while your on your cycle. and the anthony roberts pct in the pct section for after the cycle.

  7. #7
    bubbley is offline New Member
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    Awesome, gooer

    Ill definitely be doing a pct with an anti-e, my bad i should have made it more clear meant to say..anti-e while cycling...

    how much arimidex should i take daily?
    if i scrap the dust do u still recommend arimidex?

  8. #8
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bubbley
    Awesome, gooer

    Ill definitely be doing a pct with an anti-e, my bad i should have made it more clear meant to say..anti-e while cycling...

    how much arimidex should i take daily?
    if i scrap the dust do u still recommend arimidex?
    arimidex is nearly as effective at .25 as it is at .5 and it's really effective at .5, so i'd suggest running it at .25 ED or EOD if you are going to run it.

    you should definitely use it if you have the duta. if you decide on not using duta it ***ends on whether or not you want to risk estrogen related sides.

    duta has other uses though you might want to consider (prevents hair loss from test) and anecdotely i don't get any acne even on heavy test cycles when i'm on it , i think from the blocked dht. however, it can limit your gains, and affect your sex drive.

    also worth noting is arimidex cuts out a lot of water weight in your gains so you'll have a harder look but overall you won't get the water weight as much (which you lose mostly after cycle anyway). this can be a good thing to some people this can be a bad thing to some people.

    arimidex also makes your test levels go up.

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