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  1. #1
    ASS_MAN is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007

    Help with my first cycle plz!

    Hello all, i'm 24 years old 5'7 158lbs been working out for 4 years now on and off, been serious now for 2 years using supplements and diet but never cycled before. My trainer at the gym suggested this cycle for me, please critique and help me with it:

    Sustanon 250 @ 250mg week 1
    Sustanon 250 @ 500mg week 2-7
    Sustanon 250 @ 250mg week8
    Equipoise @ 100mg week 1, 300mg week 2-7, 100mg week8
    along with HGH ED starting from week 3-8.
    the cycle is only 8 weeks.

    for PCT I have clomid and proviron .

    Along with propper diet and intense work out. thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    HGH @ 24? I dont think thats needed. it wont even do anything in an 8 week cycle....

    Also, why would you taper down the dosage? just a waste of gear. keep it at 500 mg till week 8.

  3. #3
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Very poorly planned cycle:

    Pyramiding - just makes it take longer to build up
    Sust and eq only 8 weeks - you will stop when you feel it kick in
    Too low dose of eq
    5 weeks of HGH?
    HGH in your first cycle?
    Pct sucks...

    At 5'7 and 158 lbs something is worng with your diet. You need to improve your diet if you want to get something out of a cycle.

  4. #4
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASS_MAN
    Hello all, i'm 24 years old 5'7 158lbs been working out for 4 years now on and off, been serious now for 2 years using supplements and diet but never cycled before. My trainer at the gym suggested this cycle for me, please critique and help me with it:

    Sustanon 250 @ 250mg week 1
    Sustanon 250 @ 500mg week 2-7
    Sustanon 250 @ 250mg week8
    Equipoise @ 100mg week 1, 300mg week 2-7, 100mg week8
    along with HGH ED starting from week 3-8.
    the cycle is only 8 weeks.

    for PCT I have clomid and proviron .

    Along with propper diet and intense work out. thanks for your help!

    Simplify that man, just run your test 250mg 2x's a week and drop your EQ and HGH(?) Run it for at least 10 to 12 weeks. Maybe get some nolvadex and throw that in at 10 mg a day. You should get enough gains just from test to be satisfied and then on your next cycle if that worked you can add the eq.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    you dont want to use all those compounds in your first cycle. what if you have a problem with one youll never know with one caused it. i think you need a new trainer, if they knew anything about aas then they wouldnt have givein u this cycle for a first.(HGH for a new b is ur trainer crazy) like chuck said stick with just test on first cycle, you will be very happy with the results.

  6. #6
    ASS_MAN is offline New Member
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    Sorry i made a mistake the equipoise doseage will start at 400mg first week and 600mg for the following weeks.

    Hgh is a bad choice for a first cycle? yes i heard that alot but doesn't GH build new muscle cells and improves strength? can't i benefit from that?

    i really appreciate your replies, i just want to gather some info and you are being very helpful guys, just give me whatever advice you can.
    thanks alot

  7. #7
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASS_MAN
    Sorry i made a mistake the equipoise doseage will start at 400mg first week and 600mg for the following weeks.

    Hgh is a bad choice for a first cycle? yes i heard that alot but doesn't GH build new muscle cells and improves strength? can't i benefit from that?

    i really appreciate your replies, i just want to gather some info and you are being very helpful guys, just give me whatever advice you can.
    thanks alot
    The proposed cycle has alot of mistakes that can use tweaking to optimize gains with the use of the compound(s) you will be running.

    However alot of people have a misconception about HGH, yes it can build muscle, however if must be administered in very high doses to due so and for a relatively long duration.

    Also please state your goal(s) for the cycle.


  8. #8
    Stock's Avatar
    Stock is offline Member
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    It sounds to me that the Trainer has some stuff to sell....

    For you first time, take test e, c, or Sus 500mg's per week for 12 weeks. Eat right and workout right, and you will see good results. If you want to see AMAZING results, get your diet in check first, get up to about 170 naturally @ around 10%-12% BF, then do the test e, c, or Sus 500mg's per week for 12 weeks.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    at 158 lbs, you need to eat not take steroids . If you can gain naturally, you wont get much from steroids besides that "cycle" proposed by your trainer sucks ass!! Go to the diet forum and read the bulking sticky and try eating like that

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