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  1. #1
    cuban1983 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2003

    Primo and Winny Cycle - Opinions?

    Long time since my last's good to be back.

    I've had both good and bad experiences with AAS, with the bad coming from lack of education combined with powerful substances like d-bol and test and the good coming from milder cycles of primo, winny, and anavar (never used together). No gyno issues, and I have never used PCT.

    Part of the problem is my lack of access to the ingredients necessary for PCT. I have, however, no trouble recovering from the milder steroid cycles, and I am currently fully recovered. Now I'm ready to do the following cycle:

    Weeks 1-8: Primo 400mg/wk
    Weeks 4-8: Winny 50mg/daily

    I'm 6'1, 250lbs at 18% bf

    My training is solid, and my diet discipline is improving as this impending cycle looms. I have excess poundage but on a solid frame. My goals are to get to 14% bf and stay the same weight, if not drop or gain 5 lbs. Does anyone have any suggestions as to diet, or maybe an experience with the combination of these two compounds that they could share?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Primo/winny is a good comba for dry/lean gains, they will also be effctive at diffrent recepters and provide some added synergi together.

    Personally, I would atleast throw in a replacement dose of testosterone , not yust for libido but gains and energy in the gym will be better to...

    Your doses seems fine for a cutting cycle. For bulking I would increase the Primo dose..

  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    I think the primo should be 12 weeks, it will just start kicking in at 5-6 weeks. However, the first thing I would do is some serious cardio training to bring down the BF% first and when you plateu then use the cycle to go the next step.

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