hey have a few questions..... serious questions..... alright,, here what im looking to do... hopefully within the next year or so, i would like to get into modeling im 6'1...215 about 14%bodyfat 21 years old ....my workout is 3 on 1 off the another 3 on.... i do chest & tri's..back
&bi's and then shoulders& legs...... what I'm looking for is to get bigger and tighter, not extremely ripped kinda tight, inthe abs and the chest....and noticeable vascularity in my arms .. i want to be able to make good money doing this, as i am now i ve been told that i could do clothing ads and shit like that but moneys in the modeling where the best bodys are..what would you guys on here advise me to take.. how much... and what type of cycle......yes i have taken steroids before... but the more you know the b etter!!! anyway i was playing ball then i took winstrol and anavar...strength went up like crazy... added some size, mostly did it for the strentgh though ...any help would be cool