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  1. #1
    mario_ps2's Avatar
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    Question If all gains dissappear after dbol is discountinued, then what's the purpose?

    I know that dbol is used for bridging from one steroid to the next one...say from dbol to test e. But if you are going to lose all the lbs gained due to high water retention, then what is the purpose of using this steroid.

    Will it not be invane and you will be left with alt liver values through the roof due
    to its toxicty?

    What if one frontloads test enanthate the first week...say inject a 1000 mls for the first week and then continue with 500 for the rest of the weeks, wouldn't this be a better choice?

    Your help would really be appreciated. I'm debating whether I should include dianabol or not!!!

  2. #2
    beezlebubb666 is offline Associate Member
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    omg... bro d bol is a kickstart... you use it waiting for your test to kick in... and you can also frontload to make your test kick in a little quicker

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Dbol is not all water gains. It also adds serious muscle and strength.
    It would be a poor choice for bridging IMO, in fact so are pretty much all AS IMO unless you are running TRT.
    Frontloading would provide an alternative to Dbol, wether it is better or worse results wise would be based on the individual. Some people get on well with Dbol some cant take it. Some like to front load, others get terrible sides from it (at V high doses). Try and see for your self would be my 02

  4. #4
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    There is a big misconception about gains made from AAS coumpounds such as Dbol and Drol. Gains are described to be all water, the user is described to be very bloated, and all gains are reported to diminish after discontinuation of the compound(s).

    These statements IMO are all mis-leading, they mis-represent the compound(s) and are giving the compound(s) a bad rep, and most of the people who make these statements are parotting, as they themselves haven't even ran the compound(s).

    IMO both Dbol and Drol is an excellent addition to a cycle, mainly a bulker. The lbs gains are very sudden and rapid, which is great to kickstart a cycle. Strength increase is also a great attribute that the compound(s) possess, as more strength will have you lifting heavier weights, thus really optimizing your workouts and your cycle rather quickly from day 1.

    Bloat and water retention can be controlled if the user structures his diet correctly, and uses an AI such as letro or arimidex , this will keep both bloat and water retention to a minimum.

    As far as losing all gains, IMO thats a very false. Keeping and losing gains are all diet/workout ***endent and what you do after a cycle is completed. You can lose all your gains from any compound, Tren , NPP, Test, EQ, basically if your diet and training regime is sloppy after your discontinue use of a compound, your gains will diminish surely.


  5. #5
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    ^^^Well said Gho5t


  6. #6
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    ^^^Well said Gho5t

    second that...

    sick of all the "bloat" talk regarding certain compounds...throw in an AI, incorporate a quality diet, and your good to grow

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i feel i keep a higher % of gains in this order.. from highest % of gain retention per mg to lowest... this is just me and only tlakin bout orals
    (i dont count var since it DIDNT GIVE ME ANY GAINS TO BEGIN WITH!!)

  8. #8
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i feel i keep a higher % of gains in this order.. from highest % of gain retention per mg to lowest... this is just me and only tlakin bout orals
    (i dont count var since it DIDNT GIVE ME ANY GAINS TO BEGIN WITH!!)
    no tbols?

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    no tbols?
    its ok.. i have taken others im so messed up right now on anti nasuea meds + uber antibiotics + gay painkillers i cant even find my helmut or velcro shoes

    tbol is just UGH, nothing special at all .. like var that gives me soggy tummy syndrome.

  10. #10
    plzr8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    its ok.. i have taken others im so messed up right now on anti nasuea meds + uber antibiotics + gay painkillers i cant even find my helmut or velcro shoes

    tbol is just UGH, nothing special at all .. like var that gives me soggy tummy syndrome.
    lol tai, always good for a laugh

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by plzr8
    lol tai, always good for a laugh
    aye.. wat is weird is that halo.. one of the biggggg hitters.. didnt give me the gains drol dose lol even str wise.. but i retained far more from it and in the long run GOT way more outta it than i did w/ drol

    and if ur into PL'ftin and have to remain in a certain weighht class.. DROL is BAD choice when compared to halo.

  12. #12
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Good to see a lot of positive responses from you guys about dbol . I don't understand why some people believe that the muscle you gain from dbol is any different than the muscle you gain from any other steroid that causes nitrogen retention, etc. Muscle is muscle. If their gains dissappear after stopping dbol (the right way) then they need to take a closer look at their PCT.

  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by highrise
    Good to see a lot of positive responses from you guys about dbol . I don't understand why some people believe that the muscle you gain from dbol is any different than the muscle you gain from any other steroid that causes nitrogen retention, etc. Muscle is muscle. If their gains dissappear after stopping dbol (the right way) then they need to take a closer look at their PCT.
    EXACTLY! couldnt of said it better

  14. #14
    mario_ps2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    It would be a poor choice for bridging IMO, in fact so are pretty much all AS IMO unless you are running TRT.
    Sorry bro didn't catch you there,, what did you mean by TRT?

  15. #15
    Alstott40's Avatar
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    Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  16. #16
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should keep the majority of gains off of any aas, when it's cycled properly.

    Dbol is best used as a kick start for a cycle, which has a longer ester. ie:
    dbol weeks 1-4
    test e or c weeks 1-10

  17. #17
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I think the reason Dbol has a reputation for giving sloppy/easily losable gains is due to the fact it is probably THE most popular compound for steroid novices and young/inexperienced lifters looking for a kick start. It is taken by many who dont have good diet/training, no solid base and no knowledge of dose,duration or PCT. They are too scared to inject so they select Dbol because "big phil" in the local gym said it was "good shit"Therefore we tend to see a ton of threads from first timers who just blow up with water, think they "got real big" then lose it all afterwards.
    It is lack of knowledge that loses the gains, nothing to do with the compound itself.

  18. #18
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I think the reason Dbol has a reputation for giving sloppy/easily losable gains is due to the fact it is probably THE most popular compound for steroid novices and young/inexperienced lifters looking for a kick start. It is taken by many who dont have good diet/training, no solid base and no knowledge of dose,duration or PCT. They are too scared to inject so they select Dbol because "big phil" in the local gym said it was "good shit"Therefore we tend to see a ton of threads from first timers who just blow up with water, think they "got real big" then lose it all afterwards.
    It is lack of knowledge that loses the gains, nothing to do with the compound itself.
    This one I agree with!
    My buddy just ran winstrol (only) @ 50mg/day for 6 weeks.
    Well he`s genetics are pretty good, eating very good, base very good and training very good.

    Gained 20kgs in the bench, or 44lbs.
    Gained 5kg (11lbs) bodyweight, no fats that I can see.

    1cm around the arms, thats about it for the measurements he took. But he gained quality strength all around, added a little to all his lifts.

    I agree with that, that there are many newbies and people without any knowledge about training or even diet, that gives the oral steroids very bade names.

    I don`t agree with running dbol-winstrol or any oral-compound by itself just as that is said. But I wrote what my buddy managed to do, to make a statement.
    Last edited by manwitplans; 06-08-2007 at 04:13 AM.

  19. #19
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    ok i guess ill be the bastard child and go against the grain. ive used dbol 3 times(1st 3 cycles) at anywhere from 25-50mg ed for 4wks. and im a timing everthing equal. well anyways ive ran pretty much the same cycle each time. u know the usual 500mg test and 3-400mg of deca . well it always seems that i gain hella weight the first 4wks and then from there i dont gain a lb but i seem to get more definition. so from what i get from this is that dbol give one strengh and weight(partially water) and afterwerds ur left with dwindeling water wieght. and i used .25mg of letro ed for 2 of those cycles so i know its not the estro.
    Last edited by Booz; 06-08-2007 at 05:07 AM.

  20. #20
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I think the reason Dbol has a reputation for giving sloppy/easily losable gains is due to the fact it is probably THE most popular compound for steroid novices and young/inexperienced lifters looking for a kick start. It is taken by many who dont have good diet/training, no solid base and no knowledge of dose,duration or PCT. They are too scared to inject so they select Dbol because "big phil" in the local gym said it was "good shit"Therefore we tend to see a ton of threads from first timers who just blow up with water, think they "got real big" then lose it all afterwards.
    It is lack of knowledge that loses the gains, nothing to do with the compound itself.

    gained alot off dbol, kept it all....good to see people owning the parrots!

  21. #21
    Ryler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mario_ps2

    What if one frontloads test enanthate the first week...say inject a 1000 mls for the first week
    I wonder what that syring would look like

  22. #22
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01
    ok i guess ill be the bastard child and go against the grain. ive used dbol 3 times(1st 3 cycles) at anywhere from 25-50mg ed for 4wks. and im a timing everthing equal. well anyways ive ran pretty much the same cycle each time. u know the usual 500mg test and 3-400mg of deca. well it always seems that i gain hella weight the first 4wks and then from there i dont gain a lb but i seem to get more definition. so from what i get from this is that dbol give one strengh and weight(partially water) and afterwerds ur left with dwindeling water wieght. and i used .25mg of letro ed for 2 of those cycles so i know its not the estro.

    I'm not psychic but i already can tell your diet is off

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