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Thread: Deca stronger than Test?!

  1. #1

    Deca stronger than Test?!

    I was talking w/ a vet from another board and wondering if this is true.
    He said that 800 Deca wk and Test 125mg wk would yield better muscle gains than if I ran 500mg Test and 500 Deca? Is this right, b/c I always thought that Test was supposed to be the king of all muscle builders?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    haha ur vet is giving u bad advice u always want to make sure to have ur test higher than ur deca unless u enjoy not being able to get ur penis up

  3. #3
    that still does not answer anything!! Deca actually is 3xs stronger than Test so dicks aside would you get bigger by running Deca higher and test lower?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    haha ur vet is giving u bad advice u always want to make sure to have ur test higher than ur deca unless u enjoy not being able to get ur penis up
    now why would u make such a parroted statement as that?
    are you implying that deca is so pwrful that its suppression is capable of SHUNTING other exogenous hormones.. specifically synthetic test? if so please elaborate on how and why it is mandatory to run test at such a high dose? are u affraid u wont have enough estrogen to stimulate ur progestorone recepters?!
    sounds to me like you really need to educate your self on the endocrine system and the effects of exogenous hormones.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    now why would u make such a parroted statement as that?
    are you implying that deca is so pwrful that its suppression is capable of SHUNTING other exogenous hormones.. specifically synthetic test? if so please elaborate on how and why it is mandatory to run test at such a high dose? are u affraid u wont have enough estrogen to stimulate ur progestorone recepters?!
    sounds to me like you really need to educate your self on the endocrine system and the effects of exogenous hormones.
    well wat would ur suggestion on this cycle be?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    well wat would ur suggestion on this cycle be?
    none lol.. infact im a strong advocater as are many experienced users, of using test at a TRT dosage while relying on the far more effective compounds to attains one's goals.. why do u want something that can aromatize and produce a whole array of unforseen and SEEN issues when u can use less androgenic non aromatizing compounds to achieve even greater gains?

  7. #7
    Well I saw one Pro, used 1000mg of Test and 1200mg EQ. If keepin test low and the other stuff high in order to attain as much muscle why does he run the test so high?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    none lol.. infact im a strong advocater as are many experienced users, of using test at a TRT dosage while relying on the far more effective compounds to attains one's goals.. why do u want something that can aromatize and produce a whole array of unforseen and SEEN issues when u can use less androgenic non aromatizing compounds to achieve even greater gains?
    i see ur point but doesnt deca shut u down nearly 100% and very quickly? I thought a high doseage of deca and a low doseage of test would cause the so called deca dick. not trying to be a smart ass just goin on wat all ive seen in my research

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    i rekon 800mg deca and 125mg test would be better than 500mg test and 500mg deca test makes me feel like im bigger becasue it just bloats u and adds more fat were as deca gives u more quality muscle. plus the fisrt option would prob give less side effects.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    i see ur point but doesnt deca shut u down nearly 100% and very quickly? I thought a high doseage of deca and a low doseage of test would cause the so called deca dick. not trying to be a smart ass just goin on wat all ive seen in my research
    are ur testicals the ones w/ the syringe putting in the test?
    deca dick is from nor groups causing ur BODY to stop producing test..
    basically ur body see's deca.. deca is a form of test.. testicals stop producing test and yet ur body cant use deca as TEST so u cant get boners.
    so if u substitute and compensate for this suppression by introducing synthetic test ur gold.. 125mg test /wk is more than a horny teen produces

  11. #11
    kinda strange question: If Deca is actually a better muscle builder than why is it that all the steroid profiles w/ ratings always rate the Test as higher as far as muscle and strength gains go?

  12. #12
    On the profile on is says the guy went as high as 2000mg wk on Deca. If I did Test 125mg wk and Deca at 1500mg would I become a fvking monster, not overnite but after nice long cycle maybe?? I mean b/c you can stay on Deca a long time b/c its easy on the body. (health aspect aside)

  13. #13
    Deca will shut u down faster then test, but test and deca do not compete for sex stimulation as far as I know. From persoanl experiance I can say trt levels of test with either large amounts of tren or deca will still give me wood. i find that test works synergysitcally not only in regards to gains but also with sides. L0W doses of test - has minimized the sides of other compound while allowing me to reap the benefits of the main drug - either nnp or tren(a or e). All of which are far stronger then test. I've run a few combinations in my time and a lot of test seems to maginify the sides.
    Last edited by jagdpanther; 06-09-2007 at 12:07 AM.

  14. #14
    So you agree w/ tai in that if I were to use a low dose of test with a higher dose of Deca per say, I would gain more muscle than if I did Test really high and deca mid range?

  15. #15
    Yes I agree with tai that the main hormone will exude its effects more prominently. Both nandrolone and trenbolone have higher anabolic and /or androgenic raitings then test. A combination of high test and high second compound would yield better size but with many more times the sides- at least that is how it has panned out for me. Oddly enough I also found i could run many times the amount of the secondary compound with low sides once the test of lowered.

  16. #16
    But with the higher test and higher secondary roid you would get more size, how much more. Only slightly more muscle with many more sides or much more muscle with much more sides?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jagdpanther
    Yes I agree with tai that the main hormone will exude its effects more prominently. Both nandrolone and trenbolone have higher anabolic and /or androgenic raitings then test. A combination of high test and high second compound would yield better size but with many more times the sides- at least that is how it has panned out for me. Oddly enough I also found i could run many times the amount of the secondary compound with low sides once the test of lowered.
    Long time no see. How have you been?

  18. #18
    I've been okay bro. Saddly my mom passed away so I have been away. Getting back into things slowly.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    u could use 400mgs of test per week along with 1000000000000000000 mgs of deca and not get deca dick because as long as u have test in your system your stuff will work.

    Now if u do a deca/winny cycle...yeah u can run into problems becuz of the absence of test. Also....Deca IMO shuts u down harder then most AS so extended clomid/nolva/hcg Therapy is needed and thats where alot of users run into problems.

    The vets/mods said it better above^^^ though but thats how I see it :-)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    High progesterone levels in men will kill libido(also prolactin buildup), if this happens it doesnt matter how much testosterone you have in your system. (Nadrolone is a noted progestin.)

    Nadrolone is not effective at stimulating those nerve-cells responsable for erictile function(AAS like proviron and masteron is however), while testosterone is to, so you would be covered from that angle with the combination of test.

    As for gains nadrolone is slightly more anabolic than test and binds about twice as strong to the androgen recepter. But this only goes for the AR, test has non ar meditaded mechanisms that Nadrolone doesnt have, also test gets reduced to a stronger androgen in DHT which also has some slight inpact on muscle grow.

    I get more gains from test than nadrolone personally.
    Last edited by vitor; 06-09-2007 at 07:38 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    High progesterone levels in men will kill libido(also prolactin buildup), if this happens it doesnt matter how much testosterone you have in your system. (Nadrolone is a noted progestin.)

    Nadrolone is not effective at stimulating those nerve-cells responsable for erictile function(AAS like proviron and masteron is however), while testosterone is to, so you would be covered from that angle with the combination of test.

    As for gains nadrolone is slightly more anabolic than test and binds about twice as strong to the androgen recepter. But this only goes for the AR, test has non ar meditaded mechanisms that Nadrolone doesnt have, also test gets reduced to a stronger androgen in DHT which also has some slight inpact on muscle grow.

    I get more gains from test than nadrolone personally.
    By binding twice to the androgen recepter....It produces more what people?? MORE WATER!! More water means more strenght and more growth hence deca being labled "The king of mass builders".

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MBaraso
    By binding twice to the androgen recepter....It produces more what people?? MORE WATER!! More water means more strenght and more growth hence deca being labled "The king of mass builders". are way off!

    The better an steroid binds to the androgen recepter, the more it will activate AR-meditaded mechanisms of muscle grow.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor are way off!

    The better an steroid binds to the androgen recepter, the more it will activate AR-meditaded mechanisms of muscle grow.
    Wow? Really? I'm not the guy that reads from science books bro. I'm telling u straight from experience and from what I've seen happen to other AS users.
    Deca builds water like no other injectable steroid, thats why it's labled the king of mass builders. Name one INJECTABLE steroid that does the same as deca?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    In conclusion, u don't need to run test extremely high to compliment secondary compound(s). There are a lot of good threads about just that clarification. Take some time and dig into the old threads.

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